Chapter 11

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Today was the day Thea was dreading. The day she went into the cryogenic pod to slow down the progression of whatever it was that was killing her.

"Do I really have to do this?" Thea whined.

"Yes Thea. We don't like it anymore than you do, but this will keep you alive and that is our priority." Moira said.

"But." Thea said, only to have Oliver stop her.

"Speedy, we are working on getting you help, but for right now, this is the only option." Oliver said and Thea nodded.

"Promise you'll come and visit me? Even wake me up for it?" Thea asked as Oliver turned to Moira and Walter, both of them nodding.

"Everyday. But I promise, you won't need to be in here for long. We will find a way to stabilize you." Oliver said.

"I hope so." Thea said.

"Thea, it's time." Walter said and Thea nodded, knowing that she couldn't argue about it anymore, she was going into the pod, whether she wanted to or not and in this case, she knew she needed to in order to keep her alive before she allowed her brother to lead her to the car that would take them to Queen Consolidated's Applied Sciences division where the pod was waiting.

When they arrived, Oliver was surprised to find Felicity there.

"What are you doing here?" Oliver asked and Felicity wasn't hurt or surprised, since she hadn't had a chance to tell him about her new job yet.

"Oliver, this is Dr. Felicity Smoak, the head of our Applied Sciences division and the inventor of the pod that will be keeping Thea alive." Walter said and Oliver looked at Felicity in surprise, though he was glad that her talents were being better utilized in this reality than they had been before.

"I promise you Mr. Queen, I have been working around the clock to make sure that this pod is safe and it will keep your sister alive." Felicity said.

"Please, call me Oliver. I have a feeling that we'll be seeing a lot of each other, since I plan on visiting Thea every day until she's able to get out of the pod." Oliver said and Felicity nodded.

"Is everything ready?" Moira asked.

"Yes Mrs. Queen. The only thing we are waiting on is the patient." Felicity said.

"What exactly is going to happen?" Thea asked.

"Don't worry, you won't feel a thing. After we place you in the pod, we'll be putting you in a medically induced coma so that way you won't feel a thing once you're frozen. We've found that we've had the best success if the patient is already asleep when we put them in hibernation." Felicity assured her and Thea nodded, since she trusted Felicity and her work with her life and this time, she really would be.

"How do we know that the facility won't run out of power while she's inside?" Oliver asked.

"The pod runs on 5 different generators that your parents had installed for specifically this purpose and we've got another five waiting as backup in case something happens. We're prepared for every possible scenario and we are continuing to come up with solutions for what we could not have accounted for. I promise, she will be okay." Felicity assured them.

"Okay then. Let's do this." Thea sighed, just wanting to get this over with. The sooner she went under, the sooner she got to come out of the pod.

"This way please." Felicity said as she showed them into the facility to the lab where the pod was.

Oliver smiled at his sister as he held her hand tightly as she was put into the coma.

"Oliver, you have to let go now." Felicity said, hating herself for saying it, since she knew how much Oliver cared about Thea, but he couldn't keep holding her hand if they wanted to close the pod.

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