24."Ill forgive you when i'm ready."

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"I left for one year and you're telling me you couldn't keep it together? Seriously Steve?" You stood angrily scolding Steve when he arrived. "And on top of that- you couldn't even keep my brother- YOUR FRIEND OUT OF HYDRAS HANDS!"

"Y/n. I-" Steve walk towards you trying to calm you down.

"No. No. Dont even try Rogers. Ill forgive you when im ready. Right now i need you to be a leader and do your job." You seethed as you brushed past him and out the door.

You had asked if he had brought Bucky but he told you he was going going through a medical process to heal his brain again which made you want to stab someone even more.

But as long as you knew he was safe again, there were bigger issues to attend to. You needed more magic, you needed someone with powers to the mind... you needed Loki. But hell if you knew where he was. You knew this team was chaotic but you definitely didn't think this would ever happen.

You had gotten Steve, Widow, Tony, the twins, and Banner back. But this wasnt enough for you, you needed the family back together. The coma changed you, more so changed you back to what you were and that was dangerous.

Cold, On edge, blood thirsty.

They noticed it, they gave you your space for your sake and for their safety.

The only thing they didnt know was what was happening inside you.

The cause of your madness.

You were constantly fighting the urge to rip Nat with a butcher knife from head to toe, Freeze Steve in an ice block and shatter him in a million crimson pieces, maybe even cook tony in his own suit as you blew flames at him. It was gory your thoughts, it was evil, it was unworthy. This was hydra coming back to pick at your brain and all you could do was sit around and fight the impulses that nagged at you.

"I cant." you breathed.

Just one glance.

"No." You covered your eyes feeling your deadly power rise to them.

Look at them.

"NO!" you yelled from your spot and the power surge sent everything withing five feet crashing into the walls and windows.

"Y/N!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Wanda came rushing in with Pietro at her side.

"STAY AWAY!" You warned as you kept your hand over your eyes.

"Y/n... what happened?" Wanda asked gently as she put up a shield so she could safely walk to you.

"Wanda i dont want to hurt you." You said as you could feel her getting closer.

"Tell me what to do." wanda stopped a foot away from you.

You breathed in and tried to settle your raging powers. "Fine. I need a blindfold but you need to get it on quick."

Wanda turned to Pietro, "You heard her." She motioned with her head.

He nodded, "Right. Im on it. Dont worry Y/n, no deaths cause by you will happen today." He said as he sped out.


He was back in a second with a with a black cloth in hand. "I got it, what do i do now?" He said as he walked up to wait for instruction.

"Ok. I need you to put it over my eyes as quick as you can and WHATEVER you do- dont. look. at my eyes. You got it Pietro?" Your voice laced with caution.

"Easy enough." and before you could say anything you felt a breeze and saw a gleam of light only for a millisecond. "Done. Is this a kink of yours?"

You and wanda paused and both turned in his direction. "Im not even gonna-" You waved your hand dismissing it.

"Ill handle this one. Lets go." You heard wanda march to her brother and him yelp in paid as they left the room.

But this was the last straw. You know what you had to do but didnt know if it was a good idea. But this thing, being, whatever it was in your head was inching closer and closer to full control and you needed help. You needed Asgardian help.



"What is going on Y/n?" You heard steve ask.

Tony, Nat, The twins, Banner, and Steve had gathered in the room with you after the whole event that had occurred.

"In the coma. Something happened."

"Oh? Do tell medusa." Tony quipped.

"Its- I dont know." you sighed in defeat.

"You dont know?" Nat made her was closer to you.

"It was different, This thing, it knew enough about me to make me doubt myself. Enough about me to make me crumble. Thats saying a lot. I dont crumble. i dont-" you paused gathering yourself again. "It wants full control. Its intentions are malicious, it craves death, and its in my head. I thought it was hydra but- now im second guessing. This is powerful, theres dark magic involved, and i dont think Hydra could even get that if they tried."

"So, you want to go to Asgard because you think their magic can help." Banner said trying to clear the intention.

"Its my best chance, and i know i may not be in good terms with Odin, but- even if they wont help, if i could just find Loki, he might be able to understand whats happening to me. He knows the mind better than any of us."

At the mention of Loki everyone tensed and shared glances. Even though you couldn't see it, you could feel the tension throughout the room.

"What is it?" You questioned the room.

"Loki." Nat said flatly as dread filled you.

"What happened you said he was on Asgard?" your voice lowered.

"Fury thought it was best to send him to Asgard with Thor because after re-watching the footage to see what happened to you- there was speculation it was lokis doing." Steve carefully explained.

"What are you saying Rogers?" you knew though, but you needed to hear it.

"Theres a good chance hes facing Asgardian justice." Steve finished.

You jumped out of your seat and marched to the launch pad.

"WAIT Y/N!" They all rushed out to stop you but you stopped them with a flick of the wrist.

"HEIMDALL OPEN THE BIFROST!" you shouted and in a blinding light the bifrost streaked through the sky, sending you through the cosmos.


"Lady Y/n. I must caution you are in a clouded mindset and that you may be thinking rash. I recommend calming down before speaking to Odin." Heimdall tried to reason with you.

You knew he was right. If you marched in there right now it would do no one good. Might even land yourself in the dungeons. So you nodded reluctantly and tried calming down.

It was quiet for a moment until you heard him speak again, "I understand you seek refuge and help from our healers?"

"Yes. I would like to find Thor and Loki, and speak to Odin if he'll allow me to."

"I will lead you to Thor, Youve come at a good time, Thor is on Asgard for the time being, he should be able to help you." he said as you heard his heavy steps. "Follow me."



Im very stressed out over school and this is my only escape at the moment. My senior year is messed up and my online work is piling but the avengers and star wars is keeping me afloat XD

May the force be with you all.

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