IX. True North

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Aubree's POV:

Henry and I were at a convenience store near the comic books. We were each flipping through comics, a girl about our age approached us and asked, "Whatcha two reading?"

"The Hulk versus Wolverine," Henry replied.

"Captain America versus Iron Man," I answered.

"I'm Ava," the girl said. "I think I've seen you two around school. You two are in Miss Blanchard's class, right?"

Henry and I nodded and another boy close to our age walked up to Ava.

"Almost ready, Ava?" The boy asked.

"This is my brother, Nicholas," Ava told us.

Nicholas smiled. "Hi. Come on -- let's go."

"You two want to come hang out?"

"Sure!" Henry and I exclaimed.

We went to leave the store, but were stopped by Mr. Clark, the owner.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Mr. Clark demanded, looking at me and Henry. "Open up your bags."

"What?" Henry and I wondered.

"Don't think I didn't see you two rob me. Open your bags."

Henry and I exchanged a confused look as he said, "We didn't take anything."

Mr. Clark took our bags and looked through them, pulling out fistfuls of candy. "And a liar, too."

I turned to Ava. "That's why you were talking to us. So your brother could put that stuff in there."

"Henry, Aubree... I'm shocked. And you two -- just who do you think you are?"

Mom came to the convenience store and Mr. Clark said, "Well, I'm sorry, Madam Mayor, but your son and daughter were shoplifting."

Mom looked at us. "Were you two?"

Henry and I shook our heads.

"Look for yourself," Mr. Clark told her, showing her inside our backpacks.

Mom pursed her lips. "My son and daughter don't eat candy. And they know better than to steal. It was obviously those two. We're going."

Mom, Henry and I headed to the door and Emma walked in just before we could leave."

"Henry, Aubree. What happened?" Emma asked.

Mom looked at her. "Miss Swan, must I remind you that genetics mean nothing. You're not their mother and it's all taken care of."

"I'm here because I'm the Sheriff."

"Oh, that's right. Go on -- do your job. Take care of those miscreants."

As we left the store, I looked up at Mom and asked, "What does miscreants mean?"

Mom glanced down at me. "It means someone who breaks the law, like those two kids just did."

Third Person POV:

"Did you call their parents?" Emma asked.

Mr. Clark met her eyes. "Uh, the number they gave me was disconnected."

Emma turned to the kids. "Did you guys give Mr. Clark a fake number?" Ava and Nicholas shook their heads. "Then why's it disconnected?"

"'Cause our parents couldn't pay the bill," Ava replied.

Emma's face softened. "And you guys are just trying to help, huh?"

"Please -- please don't arrest us. It will just make things worse for our parents."

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