Chapter 25

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Hoseok POV

After Hyunjin's evaluation and the meeting with the social worker, she started frantically cleaning.

Not the our house was ever dirty or messy, but she was set on making is spotless.

"Baby, I don't think she's looking for how clean it is. She probably wants to see where Chanhee sleeps and eats and all of his toys and stuff," I guessed.

She held my shoulders, "You're so right!"

She sprinted up to Chanhee's room like a crazy person, making noise as she did what I assumed was sprucing up the room.

I looked at Chanhee was seemed equally as confused as I was, "She's losing it buddy."

She came running back down when I finally grabbed her wrist.

"Baby, breathe. Panic cleaning is not gonna help your cause. Just trust me. Relax," I said.

She wrapped her arms around me, "I'm more tired than I would be if I was playing hours of tennis. I barely sleep at night. I just want this to be over."

My heart ached seeing her hurting so much. That's why I suggested that she just take the deal. It's less stress and she doesn't have to worry about taking the stand and being accused of stupid things or be painted as a bad mom.

This way at least she would get to see Chanhee. If she tries to sway the judge, there's a small chance she'll look in Hajoon's favor. And I know she would be crushed if that happened.

But every time I brought it up she got really mad at me.

There was a small knock on the door that ripped Hyunjin away from me.

"Okay, lets do this," she said.

She opened the door for the social worker who was very peppy and excited to see Chanhee.

She squealed taking Chanhee from my arms and giving him a big hug.

"Okay, can I just say your house is beautiful!" She exclaimed.

Hyunjin chuckled nervously, "Thanks! So what should we show you?"

"How about we start with his room. I'm assuming he has his own room?"

"Yes he does," I said, taking Hyunjin's hand in mine.

Hyunjin blushed a bit while the social worker smiled.

We led her to his room showing off his crib, spacious set up with a drawer full of clothes, his hygienic supplies, and a few other things we had for him.

We showed her the upstairs area and how many baby monitors we had. We then brought her downstairs and showed her the other baby monitors around the house.

We also showed her the yard where Chanhee would sometimes play.

We told her about all the food we cooked for Chanhee and a few other things that she asked about.

"I've got to say, you seem like you two have got it down. I've got absolutely no complaints from my end," the social worker said.

I could see Hyunjin relax.

"Thank you so much. That means a lot," Hyunjin said.

"Of course. I know it's a hard time but remember, all of this is to ensure the best for Chanhee. But off the record, you guys shouldn't be too worried," she said.

We bid her farewell and then slumped to the ground.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take," Hyunjin sighed.

I smiled, I had a surprise for her.

"I figured, that's why I got something special," I hummed.

I dug through one of the kitchen drawers until I finally found it.

It was a small black velvet box.

She gave me a look, "You aren't proposing right?"

"Not yet. This is more of a promise," I said.

I opened it revealing a gold necklace.

In the heart were the first letters of our names carved in.

H.                                          C.                                          H.

"Hobi, it's beautiful," she gasped.

"It's my promise to you. No matter what, the two H's will protect the C. Always," I explained.

She looked at me, her eyes shining, "I love you so much Jung Hoseok."

"I love you too Jung Hyunjin," I added in cheekily.

She blushed, "I thought this wasn't a proposal."

"It's not, but maybe it was a secret method of making sure that ring finger of yours waits prettily because she's gonna be dressed in a royal gown very soon," I teased.

She picked up Chanhee who was utterly fascinated by the necklace and wouldn't stop playing it.

"You hear that Chanhee, one day dada is gonna marry mama and officially become your dada. Then no mean Hajoon can try and take you from us," she cooed.


She sighed, "I know, you still think that we should let him into our lives and give him and Chanhee a relationship. I understand where you're coming from and I hope you understand where I'm coming from when I say that I really don't trust him."

I huffed, "I don't agree with you but I understand. I just think that we can't shut out the real father of your son."

"Don't you think of yourself as his real father. Doesn't your skin crawl thinking of the fact that Chanhee might love Hajoon slightly more than you even though you were there for him when he needed you?" She questioned, her frustration starting to break through.

"Not really. As long as Chanhee still loves me, I don't mind sharing the 'dad' title," I shrugged.

She shook her head, "You're sticking to this middleman act and it's annoying me because I know you don't believe that. You feel it too. Everything about this is weird. But instead of accepting that, you wanna play devil's advocate. Look, I don't wanna fight. Let's drop it. I love the necklace and I love you, there end of story."

She snuggled close to me, watching Chanhee as he played with his toys.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

I loved her and I understood her and I knew she understood me, but I just wished she saw it my way.

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