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WARNING! This episode might contain 18+ things which may not be suitable for very young readers. Guided reading is adviced.


One: Ring?.... *looks closely at the ring* August?... *suddenly remembers everything* ARGHH! ARRGHHH! WHAT IS THIS! HELP!

*Memories of him and Guss flashed back*

One: AUGUST! *removes his dextrose* WHERE IS HE?! I NEED TO FIND HIM!? *runs out of the room* AUGUST! AUGUST!

Nurse: Mr. Kim. You can't get out of your bed yet! Please go back at once

One: NO! I NEED TO FIND AUGUST! AUGUST! AUGUST! WHERE ARE YOU!? *runs trhough the hospital to find August* AUGUST!!! *finally sees him at the hospital chapel* AUGUST!

Guss: ONE?!


Guss' POV

One: AUGUST! *runs to hug Guss*

Guss: One? What are you doing here? *hugs One back*

One: Guss I'm sorry *crying*

Guss: Hey One! You're supposed to be in your bed, taking a rest.

One: Don't leave me Guss....

Guss: No... I can't let you get hurt anymore... If that happens again, I don't know if I can forgive myself...

One: I love you Guss... Please?... Stay with me?

Guss: But--

One: No! I don't care what happens to me anymore, as long as you're with me. Even if I die... You'll still be the one that I'll choose...

Guss: But One--

One: No more ifs and buts... Just say that you'll stay with me forever... Never leave me alone again... Say that you love me...

Guss: I love you One...

One: I love you Guss!...

*Guss pressed his lips against One's*

*Tears fall from both of their eyes*

Guss: Now let's go back to your room. You still need rest to recover. I don't want your condition to get worse... Who knows? You might even forget me permanently...

One: *Laughs* What are you talking about Guss? I won't ever forget you... even till the day I'll die... I'll bring our memories with me. Your smile, the way you look at me, the way you take care of me, and the way you love me... Nothing can make me feel like you do...

Guss: Okay, okay. *laughs* Let's go back now. You're mother might be worried sick, and the doctor might think that I kidnapped you from the hospital *laughs* Let's go? *holds One's hand*

One: Wait!

Guss: Why?

One: *hands out the ring* Since we're here at the chapel, we're already in front of God...

Guss: The r-ring? Where did you find it?

One: You're mother gave it to me. This ring made me remember the love of my life. It showed me who my world and my happiness is... and that is you Guss... August Rathavit! Marry me!

Guss: O-one... m-marry you?

One: Or maybe you don't want to?... *pouts*

Guss: But we're too young...

One: Hey! Hey! I said no ifs and no buts. If you won't stop saying your buts, I'm going to make you stop myself. I just love you so much that I can't let you marry someone else anymore... besides we're just going to promise our love. We'll get married right after we graduate. God is already watching, come on do it already *laughs*

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