Cold War / Part 1

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"I'm not talking to her till she admits what she's done wrong and apologizes " Nii crossed his arms and stubbornly told mom. I frowned and crossed my arms "I'm not talking to him till he apologizes for lying and admits to being a big meanie."

He twitched and mom shook her head in annoyance "are you two serious?" We both turned away not answering. "Katsuki she's already apologized to that little girl. Plus you know she did it cause she was just jealous her big brother was so close to other girls. Why are you acting so childish?"

I blushed in embarrassment and shrank into myself. "She apologized to her but not to me. She isn't sincere. There was no reason to be jealous. I'm just waiting for her sincere apology this is not childish!"

I humphed and got off the couch "mom I'm going to be in my room working on homework if you need me. If anyone wants to say anything to me that's where to find me" I say towards Nii's direction but don't look his way.

"Sumi sweetie come on" mom tries to keep us there but both of us are too stubborn to break and I break free to my room. It's true I needed to do homework but I also wanted to sulk a little.

Why should I apologize again? I already told her sorry for hitting her! I know Nii saved her from a weak villain and was waiting for her parents with a classmate. That didn't mean he had to let her hug him....

Whatever! Until he apologizes to me I won't talk to him. I'll just work on this homework. 


"Sumi! Dinner!"

I exited my room skipping happily to the dining table.  "Do you need help mom?" I asked when I reached it. "Oh no sweetie just sit down and I'll finish setting it all up" she patted my head happy.

Dad smiled at me warmly "well your in a good mood." Giggling I nodded "yep I finished my homework so I don't have to worry about working late on it. I am still waiting on one thing though". I voiced the last part expectingly.

Nii who sat down at that time rolled his eyes and made a confused face "dad did you hear something? " I frowned and looked at Dad confused "weird I feel like I just heard an annoying buzzing sound right now".

"Both of you stop! It's dinner time" Mom growled angry. I pursed my lips and didn't speak up again. "Both? Mom it's just me though?" Nii continued on. I shook my head slightly and caught his yell as mom beat him.

He really should apologize soon~

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