Snape Snape Severus Snape

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After talking to Hagrid for a while we all head back to the castle. Ron and Hermione go on up to bed, but Harry and I stay in the common room to talk.

"You saw it didn't you?" Harry asked once we knew no one could hear.

I nod slowly, "At first I didn't know what it was, I just saw a dark shape, and it was like I was pulled towards it. It was definitely a dog, no doubt about that. But something was off..."

"Off like you're about to be stabbed to death?"

I shake my head. "Not at all. At first it was like I felt someone watching, that's why I looked over there in the first place. And I think the dog was looking at me. But it wasn't hostile I don't think. It was almost calming."

"I doubt the grim is supposed to have a calming feel," Harry comments.

"Did it feel hostile when you saw a big black dog?"

"I had grabbed my wand when I heard a branch snap, but when I saw the dog I almost put it away. Like I knew there was absolutely no need for it."

"What do you think it means?" I ask my brother.

"I think whatever we saw is much more complicated than the grim," Harry says grimly. (Haha grimly)

"That's reassuring, we have something more complicated then the death omen. Great!"

"Sooo..." Harry said changing the subject, "Are you actually gonna try out for quidditch?"

"Depends" I start, "A. If I get on a broom before Saturday. And B. if I can fly without falling off and killing myself or getting zapped by lightning and dying."

"Fair enough, how about tomorrow after classes we go down to the quidditch pitch and you can practice. We can borrow a school broom, and if you get on the team we can order you a broom" Harry suggests.

"Sounds like a plan," I agree. After that we headed up to the dormitory and went to sleep. It was amazing to sleep in something not a hospital bed.

I wake up the next morning as the other boys are also getting up.

"Welcome back Percy," Neville greets as he walks past my bed.

"Thanks," I reply through a yawn.

I get ready as quick as I can and Harry, Ron and I meet Hermione in the common room before heading to the great hall for breakfast.

First today we have potions, every class I have today will be my first.

A/N I have no clue how Hogwarts schedules are set up so I'm gonna have it basically like my schedule for school.

So one day they will have

Care of Magical Creatures
Free period

Then the next day will be

History of magic
Free period

It just alternates. So every other day you have these classes. I made this mainly for myself to keep it straight. I know this isn't how it is in the books bc they have double blocks and free periods and all that jazz but idk how that works so we're doing it this way

And back to the story...

After a quick breakfast we headed down to potions. Obviously I have never met Professor Snape, but I've heard many stories. I'm gonna have to keep my complete lack of respect toward self righteous pricks who think they have the right to tell me what to do to a minimal if I don't want to get in huge trouble(I was gonna say problem with authority but I think that was more fitting for snape)

We have to wait outside for Snape to arrive, once he gets there, Harry and Ron sit in the very back, and Hermione sits at the table next to them. I place my bag next to Hermione.

I grab my work from last week and bring it up to Snape.

"Professor, I have all my work from the first week," I say as I set it on his desk.

He started at me for a moment, and I didn't look away. Finally he grabbed the papers off the desk and turned. I walked back to my seat.

"That was great Percy," Hermione whispered to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"No one stares him down like that, no one has had the guts to." She explains.

"Trust me, I've faced worse."

We shut up as Snape begins the lesson. He drones on for what seems like forever. There are some subtle, and not so subtle, insults to gyriffendore, but from what I can tell it wasn't so bad.

We start making our potions and I find I'm actually pretty good at it. Maybe it has something to do with Dad, who knows.

We all get out potions turned in without to much trouble. Hermione's was the best, then mine, Harry and Ron were about the same, then Neville and Seamus were equally horrible. Neville's was just plain wrong, and Seamus managed to blow his up. I think it was really good before that though.

As we were going to leave Snape called out "Potter"

Both me and Harry turned, "Harry leave I need to speak with your brother."

I gulp and Harry pats my back as he leaves and tells me they will wait for me.

"Yes Professor?" I ask as I walk up to his desk.

He looks at me for a moment before saying, "I can except your written homework, but I have no way for you to make up the practical application from class. You are 1 week in and failing my class already."

"I'm sorry sir but that was not my intention. I could do extra papers-"

He cuts me off, "That is not practical application, so will not help. I'm just informing you that you will have to do very well if you intend to pass this semester. Now leave."

I'm slightly shocked but manage to walk out before saying anything that could cause trouble.

Harry Ron and Hermione were waiting down the hallway.

"What happened?" Ron asked as soon as he saw me. "Are you in trouble??"

I shake my head, "Nope. I'm just failing. He said I can't get any grade for any work done in class last week. So yeah he was basically just threatening me like if you don't be perfect I have a legit reason to fail you!"

"He can't do that!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry sighed, "I think he can Hermione. He is probably not required to create new assignments, it is just like expected that teachers do that. Not required.

"Well your potion was almost perfect today, just keep doing that and your homework and you should be fine," Hermione trust to reassure me.

We don't say much as we go to History of Magic. I'm just looking forward to seeing Remus this afternoon.

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