Golden Eyes

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"Percy, Percy, Percy. You think hiding will make any of this go away?" I heard Luke's voice, but I couldn't see him. "The King is rising Percy, you can't stop it."

There was nothing for a moment, it was completely black. Then eyes appeared.

Golden eyes.

"Ultimately, you will join me, or you will die."

The voice was Luke's but something told me Luke wasn't speaking to me. That was something else.

"Who are you?" I managed to ask. I meant to keep the fear from my voice, but my voice shook like a leaf in the wind.

"Oh you know who I am... unless your father never told you... never talked about his father... your grandfather." The voice snarled.

"Kronos," I said with a gasp.

"Look at that, he does have a brain."

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"That's the million drachma question isn't it. What does dear old Kronos want? I want everything. I want the gods to crash, and the world to be under the proper rule again!"

"That won-"


I sit up confused. Harry was shaking my shoulders. I was sitting by the lake, my books around me.

"Come on, we are gonna be late to Defense if you don't hurry up!" My brother tells me. I look over and see Ron and Hermione grabbing their bags, and I quickly gather my things.

"Are you ok Percy?" Hermione asks me.

I rub my face, "Just had a weird dream. I'm fine though."

"Good, Professor Lupin told us we are actually gonna work with a creature today. All week we have been doing theory and paper stuff!" Ron told me super excited.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say he was waiting for you to start the first real lesson," Harry said as he shoved me playfully.

I didn't respond. I couldn't really focus on the conversation with the dream still on my mind. When I was in the hospital wing I was given sleeping potions, so no demigod dreams. I wasn't so lucky when I feel asleep during our study period.

So far all of my demigod dreams have been eerily correct in giving me a heads up on what's happening. But this? I'm confused, and a little scared.

"Percy? You sure your ok man?" Harry asks me.

I rub my face again, "Yeah, just not really awake yet. I'll be fine by time we get to class."

We quickly make our way into the building and towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. A large portion of the class was already in there, but there were seats open in all parts of the room.

The others lead me to the very front. This is the first time I've seen them voluntarily go to the front.

I sit with Harry, and Ron and Hermione sit together. About a minute after we arrive Remus comes in from the connected office.

"Good afternoon guys. Hope you haven't been trapped inside all day, but regardless you just have one more class. So let's focus and I think you will enjoy today's lesson.

I raise my hand like halfway. Remus nods me over and I hand him my work from last week.

"Right on time." He smirks slightly, "Don't tell the others this but I've been waiting for you to return to do this lesson."

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