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„I can't promise that but I won't tell all of them. I will just tell the Hyungline, okay?"


I rolled up my sleeves and showed him my cuts. It was silent and then he asked me.

„Tell me, who made you do this?"

„M-my own th-thoughts. It w-was them." He nodded, understanding what I meant and then after a bit of silence he spoke again.

„You didn't do it just because of the bullying. Are your parents abusing you? Was it them who made you suffer like this?" He asked

„Y-yes they abuse and b-beat me up e-every day. Even s-school is no e-escape for me. Th-the only thing th-that I like in this world is m-music and a-art. They are th-the things that kept m-me alive." I started crying

You are so weak, Moon!
Always crying and make people pity you!
You shouldn't tell anyone.
Why did you tell him?
You think he is crying over you because of those little scratches that you call cuts.
He is crying because he feels sad for the people that had to live around you.
Well, I don't blame you. You don't even have a brain that thinks properly!

The things those voices said made me cry more. Then I felt two arms pulling me into a warm embrace. Yoongi was hugging me again.

I hesitated at first but then returned the hug. While he was holding me in his embrace I felt something that I have never felt before. I felt safe, protected, understood and loved.

After some time he pulled away. „You told me music and art keeps you alive can you tell me what you mean?" he asked.

„I-i like to draw, I-I can express m-my feelings by drawing. I also p-play the piano a-and the violin. When I-I was seven y-years old, I w-wrote my first p-poem. Then o-one day I decided t-to write songlyrics. It w-was a better way t-to express my f-feelings. With music I-I feel like there i-is someone deep in m-my heart. I-I didn't feel a-alone anymore."

„Can you show me your song lyrics please? I want to see them!" He asked me.

„I-is it okay i-if I show them a-after dinner?" I asked, I was a bit afraid that he would be angry.

He nodded giving me his famous gummy smile. I smiled back this time it was real.
All of a sudden he pinched my cheecks and muttered a „cute" under his breath.

I heard it and blushed so hard.

He stood up and told me that we are going to the living room. Everyone was doing their things. The maknaeline were gaming and Namjoon was reading a book.

Hoseok was on his phone. I went to the kitchen to see Jin preparing dinner.

„D-do you need a-any help?" I asked making him flinch a little.
„You scared me! And yes I need a bit help." He said with a genuine smile on his face.

I nodded and then washed my hands, Jin told me to cut some vegetables. We were talking a bit and I got a bit distracted and cut my finger a little. It wasn't much and he didn't notice so I didn't tell him.

After 1 hour we finished cooking and Jin went to bring the others. I was setting the table and then everyone sat down. They began filling their plates with food.

I just took two pieces of gimbab and some rice. When I ate a piece of gimbab I thought I was in heaven. That is so yummy.

I finished my plate and waited till they finished. „Thank you so much Jin! That was really tasty! I thought I was in heaven when I was eating!" I said.

„No problem! I'm glad you liked it! And you boys,-Jin said looking at the others-look how polite she is! She has manners not as you! And Jungkook!"  Jungkook looked at him and replied with a yes.

„Come and help me with the dishes!"Jin said
Jungkook was going to say something but then Jin gave him a look that said ,Come here or I will haunt you with my spatula!'

The others were laughing at Jungkook when Jin gave them the same glare and they shut up.

It was a funny scene and it made me smile. Everyone left the kitchen except Jin, Jungkook and me. Jin was cleaning the table and I was washing the dishes while Jungkook dried them and put them back into their places.

After some time we finished and went to join the other in the living room to find it empty. When we heard voices from the movie room, we entered to find them discussing what movie they should watch.

„We should watch Iron man!" Jungkook shouted

„No we nearly watch it everytime we decide to watch a movie." Namjoon said

„What about the purge?" Yoongi said

When I heard the name of that film the hairs on my body stood up.


I know that he said that because he is the one that is scared. He doesn't even now if I like horror movies.

„You are just saying that because you are scared yourself. How about we watch a kdrama?" Taehyung said

„The question is which one?" Jimin asked

„Isn't it obvious! It is Hwarang of course. I mean who wouldn't like to watch a movie where this handsome face exists." Taehyung replied.

„HELP TAEHYUNG IS TURNING TO JIN!!!!!" Jungkook screamed.

We all started laughing and then suddenly we heard a voice. We looked on the screen to see the Purge playing.

We all looked around to see Yoongi sitting there with an evil smirk on his face.
I was sitting next to Jin and Namjoon. The movie is really scary and I was clinging onto Jins arm. Always when something scary shows up on the screen I would turn around and put my face into his chest.

„Jin-hyung can you please get us some snacks?" Namjoon asked.

What is he doing? Does he want me to die. Jin should not leave I am to scared to let him go.

„Yeah sure, errmmm Moon? Can you please let me go? I will be here again, you can hold Namjoons arm till I come back." I nodded and let him go but immediately holding onto Namjoon.

Suddenly there was a Jumpscare and I screamed so loud and higged Namjoon really tight. He hugged me back and then whispered in my ear with his low deep voice.

„Don't be scared. I am here with you and I will protect you. I really like y..." and with that I fell asleep without hearing the whole phrase.

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