2 - Survivor series 2018

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It was Survivor Series week and Becky/Rebecca was going against Ronda Rousey. It was Monday night Raw, and Rebecca and the Smackdown women's team was going to invade Raws team. Rebecca was at catering before she can attack Ronda and invade Raw. Colby saw Rebecca sitting alone on her phone in catering.

Colby: Hey Bex!
Rebecca: Hey Colby.
Colby: Why are you on Raw tonight?
Rebecca: Oh I have to attack Ronda and the Smackdown team has to invade Raw tonight.
Colby: Oh ok.

They continued to talk till it was time for Rebecca to go attack Ronda and then invade Raw.

Rebecca's POV:
As I was just called up to go attack Ronda, I knew this was my moment to prove that I was gonna beat Ronda this Sunday.
I went to go to Ronda's locker room and just attacked her. The cameras came in once I did the dis-arm-her. Then after I went out to the ring while Smackdown was invading them.

  While Smackdown was invading raw, Nia Jax punched Rebecca right in the face. There was blood pouring out of her face but Rebecca kept on fighting.

Rebecca's POV:
While Smackdown was just beating up Raw, I
Got punched straight in the face by Nia. There was blood pouring out of my face, but I didn't care I kept on fighting. The smackdown team jumped over the barricade and was walking up the stairs to get backstage. I had my arms up to prove I was ready to beat Ronda in survivor series. Once we got backstage I was feeling a little dizzy and then everything went pitch black.

Once Rebecca was feeling dizzy and everything went pitch black for her, the people who were near her were kinda freaking out and luckily they caught her before she fell. She was rushed into the ambulance to the hospital.

I will update after when this gets published, but I wanted to say is I can't believe Becky is pregnant!!  I couldn't stop crying and now I can't stop!! I'm really happy for her and Seth! 💖

Hope y'all like this chapter!

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