5 - Royal Rumble 2019

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January 2019
Royal Rumble

It was finally the day for the Royal Rumble. At this point Rebecca and Colby were hanging out more than usual. They both had feeling for each other which they try to ignore it, but it kept on coming back. It was almost time for "Woman's royal rumble" match. They both Rebecca and Colby were at catering before the producer came and notified that Rebecca's match was coming up.

Producer: Becky, your match is coming up next.
Rebecca: Oh ok.

Colby: Good luck Bex!
Rebecca: Thanks Colby!
Colby: No problem.
After the match
Commentators: Omg! The man just won the 2019 women's royal rumble match!!
After the match Rebecca came backstage and got congratulated by everyone in the gorilla especially Colby.

Colby: Congrats, "The man"
           Says Colby whole the share a hug
Rebecca: Thanks Colby!
Colby: No problem you did great!
Rebecca: Thanks, now I have to go to the trainers room to ice up my knee, it's killing me, but hey! Good luck with your match Colby!
Colby: Thanks Bex that means a lot!
Rebecca: you're welcome, I'll see you later
Colby: Ok, bye
As they share a hug again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the match
Commentators: OMG! Seth Rollins did it! He is going to Wrestlemania!!

After the match Colby went backstage and also got congratulated. After that he went to go to the trainers room to get his back checked out. After he was met by Rebecca.

Colby: Hey Bex
Rebecca: Hey, you did great!
Colby: Thanks
Rebecca: You're welcome.

As after that they rode in the same car together. But now was the chance that Rebecca will confess her feelings to Colby once they get into the hotel.

Part 2 will come out soon. I hope y'all like this chapter and book so far! Plz vote and comment.

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