26 - FBE

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Colby's POV:

Today I had to do a video reacting to some videos of Triple H for FBE. Rebecca was still sleeping because 1 she is always tired and 2 morning sickness. While this was going they played a video of Triple H and Randy Orton fighting in Randy's house, I was thinking about if that happens Triple H will be going through the window because I have to protect my pregnant fiancé.

Colby: If Triple H shows up in my backyard we are going to have a problem I'll tell you that, He will be the one going through the window I got a pregnant women in here dang it, no danger alright.

A few minutes has past and Colby just got done with the FBE video. He wanted to check up on Rebecca since she wasn't always feeling well in the mornings for the past weeks in her pregnancy. He went into their room and saw Rebecca still sleeping. Rebecca was slowly waking up and when she did she saw Colby and smiled.

Colby: Morning babe.

Rebecca: Good morning

Colby saw Rebecca she looked kinda nauseous

Colby: Are you ok?

Rebecca: Yeah I feel nauseous that's it

Colby: Ok do you want me to make breakfast

Rebecca: Yes

Colby: Ok

Colby went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. He made for the both of them, pancakes with some strawberry syrup. Rebecca came downstairs to eat, once she was done she went go shower, when came out she smelt something which cause her to have morning sickness again. Colby heard her getting sick so he came upstairs in their room and went to Rebecca to pull her hair back and rub her back gently.

Colby: you good?

Rebecca: Yeah, it was just something I smelled

Colby: Ok do you wanna go back to bed?

Rebecca just nodded

Rebecca got up and went to brush her teeth after she went to walk straight into bed and just laid down on the bed. Colby went to the bed to and cuddled her. Rebecca just loved cuddling with Colby, his warmth always makes her comfortable and makes her fall asleep easily. Colby noticed that Rebecca fell asleep, so he covered them up with a blanket and just stayed their with Rebecca.

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