23 - WWE Backstage

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It was the day that Colby had to do backstage with Renee Young and Booker T. Rebecca was asleep during it because that was tooken place at 12 AM. Rebecca wanted to stay up with him but she to tired since she was pregnant. Once Colby got on the backstage video call, he was congratulated by Renee and Booker T.

Colby's POV:

I had to do Backstage on Tuesday night. Once I was on backstage I was congratulate by Renee and Booker T. We were just talking about how im about to be a dad soon and how it might change my life when my son or daughter is born. We were talking about other stuff until backstage was over. After Backstage I went to go into me and Rebecca's bedroom, I saw her sleeping peacefully. I went to go change just into basketball shorts with no shirt. I got into the bed and kissed Rebecca's head, she stirred in her sleep and cuddled up with her head on my chest, I put my hand on her abodomen and kissed Rebecca's head again and whispered goodnight.

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