Chapter One

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__Shadow chased after the blue hedgehog desperately. He knew both of them were tired, but he wasn't giving up on Sonic. At last, he caught up close enough to grab Sonic's arm and pulled him back. "Listen to me!"
__The blue hedgehog, eyes full of anger and sadness, yanked his arm away and glared at Shadow. "Why should I!? You never listened to me whenever I tried to comfort you! Tell me why you need the satisfaction!?"
__Shadow kept his hands down by his side, tightening them into fists as he trembled under Sonic's stare. "Look, this is all a misunderstanding..."
__Sonic's eyes narrowed as he flattened his ears and bared his teeth. "A misunderstanding!? What the hell is wrong with you!?"
__"I don't understand!" Shadow exclaimed. "What do you want from me!?"
__"I want you to choose!" Sonic yelled back.
__"What do you mean choose!?"
__"It's either me or someone who's been dead for over fifty years!"
__Shadow narrowed his eyes as he glared at Sonic. Anger started filling up his head and stomach. "Don't you dare say that about her!"
__"Well I'm sorry, Shadow!" Sonic sneered. "But you need to learn to stop obsessing over someone who's no longer with us." Sonic then sighed and turned away from Shadow. "Forget it. I know who you really want. There's no changing it." He started walking away and Shadow straightened.
__"Sonic, wait!" He called out.
__Sonic stopped where he was, but he didn't turn his head. "Just leave me alone." He began walking again. Shadow reached for Sonic with his hand, but he couldn't bring himself to follow after him again. He slowly let his hand drop and shut his eyes tightly. He crossed his arms and continued to tremble, trying to fight back his emotions. Please...come back...

__Shadow sat quietly in his seat. The conference room was filled with all the G.U.N. agents that were able to come to the meeting. No one knew what this meeting was about, but they were all excited. Shadow, on the other, couldn't care less. He was sitting in between the only people he considered friends. Rouge was sitting by his right side, going through her phone while she waited. E-123 Omega was standing quietly by his left side, its red eyes fixed on the chair where the commander was supposed to be sitting.
__Rouge had sighed and put her phone away before looking at Shadow. "This is taking too long," She whispered. "I say we go. No one here is going to stop us."
__"As much as I'd like to leave," Shadow replied, not bothering to whisper. "I believe this is important."
__"You don't even care about these meetings," Rouge pointed out.
__"True, but I don't like the other agents here bothering me about these things." Shadow's ear twitched when the other agents looked over at him. Rouge seemed a bit concerned, but Shadow wasn't bothered by them. He was used to these kind of stares. They meant nothing to him.
__The door opened and everyone fell silent. Shadow, Rouge, and E-123 Omega slowly looked over and expected to see the commander. But instead there was a mobian tiger standing in the doorway. He had slick black hair and gray eyes. He seemed to be wearing the commander's uniform.
__"Wait, what's going on?" Rouge questioned. She readjusted herself in her seat and continued to stare at the tiger. Shadow hadn't taken his eyes off the tiger either.
__The tiger cleared his throat before sitting himself down in the commander's chair. "Good morning everyone. I am Nathaniel, but you can all call me Nate. I'm here to tell you that your previous commander has just retired."
__Some agents gasped while others began whispering amongst themselves. Shadow narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.
__"Why has he retired?" One of the agents asked.
__"He feels that he is at the right age to do so," Nate responded calmly. "And he wanted to spend more time with his grandchild. From this day forward, I will be your new commander."
__"None of us have even seen you here before," Another agent pointed out.
__Nate nodded before speaking again. "I understand your concerns, but I assure you nothing is going to change. That's a promise." Shadow snorted and kept his eyes narrowed when Nate slowly looked over at him. "I beg your pardon. Is there something wrong, Mr. Shadow?"
__Shadow didn't move. "No," was all he could bring himself to say. He then turned toward Rouge and lowered his voice. "I'll take you on your offer now."
__Rouge nodded and stood up. She kept her hands cupped in front of her and put on one of her charming looks as Nate looked at her. "I'm very sorry to interrupt, but my friends and I need to get going. We are supposed to be meeting with the Freedom Fighters in a few minutes." Shadow stood up as well and E-123 Omega finally turned his head toward them before looking back at Nate.
__"The Freedom Fighters, you say?" The tiger questioned. He then nodded and looked away from them. "I see. I won't stop you then."
__Rouge was the first to start walking while E-123 Omega followed after her. Shadow slowly trailed after them. As he passed Nate, he noticed that he was carefully glancing at him while he walked. Shadow stifled any annoyed sound he would usually make and continued out of the conference room.

__"Finally!" Rouge sighed and breathed in the fresh air. They had just left the building and continued walking. Rouge moved closer to Shadow, keeping her hands behind her back, and looked at him. "So, what do you think of ol' Nate back there, huh?"
__"I can tell he's a nuisance," He replied blankly. "We'd be better off not making much contact with him as possible."
__"I guess so," Rouge agreed. She then looked up at E-123 Omega. "What do you think, Omega?"
__"I have no information regarding Nathaniel," E-123 Omega responded blankly as well.
__"Not what I meant," Rouge muttered bitterly. She looked at Shadow and started flying. "Well, I'm going to bother Knuckles at Angel Island. See ya!" She then flew away, leaving Shadow and E-123 Omega to walk alone.
__Shadow groaned and looked up at E-123 Omega. "You can go on back to Tails's lab now." He stopped and watched the big robot turn and walk a different direction. It took Shadow a minute before he started walking again. He wanted to spend the rest of the day alone.
__"Hey! Shadow!"
__But, as always, he could never get that wish. He stopped again and turned to see a blue hedgehog running towards him. He stifled a growl and crossed his arms when the blue hedgehog stopped in front of him.
__"Hey, Shadow!" The blue hedgehog greeted brightly. "Are you doing anything right now?"
__As much as Shadow didn't want to be in the presence of this blue hedgehog, he couldn't stop himself from replying. "No. What do you want?"

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