Chapter Six

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__After handing their report to one of the staff, Shadow led his friends outside. He finally felt free until he heard Nate calling from behind them. Shadow stifled a growl and turned to face Nate. Both Rouge and E-123 Omega stopped and turned to face him as well. Shadow crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at the tiger. "Is something wrong, sir?"
__Nate had his hands behind his back while wearing the same smirk once again. "Just wanted to see if you guys were all right. I noticed your robot friend came back with a few dents. You know he can be polished in our lab, right?"
__"Tails is the one that takes care of him," Rouge said as she made her way next to Shadow. "He'll fix him."
__Nate had not taken his eyes off of Shadow. "I see. And there were no problems during this mission, right? Nothing blew up?"
__Shadow's eyes went wide. "No. Nothing exploded."
__"Hm..." Nate nodded and started walking away slowly. "All right then. Have a good day!"
__Shadow looked at Rouge as they started walking again. "Go ahead and get Omega home. I'm going to check something out."
__"Okay." Rouge then started flying and led E-123 Omega away.

__"What's going on, Shadow?" Roter asked as he finished cleaning up his lab.
__Shadow was leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed. "I wanted to ask you about my shoes. What exactly caused the blown fuses?"
__Roter stopped where he was and looked at Shadow. "I honestly don't know. I had Nicole go in to examine them and had her tell me what to do to fix them." He then grabbed his chin and looked at the floor. "Although, she did mention she wanted to tell you something this morning."
__Shadow perked his ears and stood straight. "Do you know where she is right now?"
__"Well, she's usually with Sally at the castle. Try looking for her there."
__Shadow nodded and started walking. "Thank you."
__"Again?" Roter muttered.

__Shadow figured that he would have a nice, peaceful trip over to the Acorn Kingdom. But while he was walking, Sonic had came out of nowhere and started walking with him. "Hey, Shadow! How're the shoes?"
__"Fine," Shadow answered without looking at him.
__"The mission went okay?"
__"Mmhm." Shadow groaned and crossed his arms.
__"I uh...see you're heading over to the castle," Sonic infered awkwardly. "Something going on?"
__"It's none of your business." The last thing Shadow wanted was to be in the presence of the blue hedgehog, especially when he was trying to do something important. Even though he knew Sonic's intentions were good, he didn't want to deal with it.
__"Okay, I won't bother you about it," Sonic said with a smile. "I just wanted to know when you wanted to finish that race."
__"Not now," Shadow tried his best not to growl.
__"I know not now!" Sonic giggled. "I just want your thoughts on when we should schedule it. It's gonna keep bothering me if we don't take care of it."
__"Oh, now we wouldn't want that," Shadow said sarcastically. "I honestly don't care. You schedule it on any day that works for you."
__"But what if it ends up not working for you?" Sonic asked. "These missions of yours come out at random."
__"Don't worry about it. It's not like I get a new mission every second."
__"I guess, but still..." Sonic sighed and flattened his ears as he trailed off.
__Shadow took a quick glance at Sonic and sighed. "I'm free this Saturday for the whole day." Shadow then straightened when he realized what he said. What am I doing!?
__Sonic smiled and looked back at Shadow. "Really?" He then coughed and looked away. "I mean...Yeah, that's works for me, too. Cool. Cool."
__Shadow stopped listening when they passed the castle gates. Shadow tried going ahead, but Sonic was still following him. Shadow stifled a growl as he turned to face him. "Is there a reason you're here, too?"
__Sonic stopped and nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to see Sally. We still hang out."
__"You broke up a long time ago," Shadow pointed out.
__"So?" Sonic crossed his arms and looked away. "What we used to be doesn't really matter. We still grew up together."
__Shadow stared at him for a few seconds before continuing on. "Do you know where Nicole is?"
__Sonic uncrossed his arms and quickly followed after him. "If she's not with Sally or Elias, she usually hangs around the garden."
__Shadow stayed silent when Sonic was next to him again. He quietly groaned and flattened his ears. Does he really have to stay by me like this? We both have better things to do. He couldn't help but sneak a little glance at the blue hedgehog. He still looked so joyful. Shadow never understood how anyone could be this happy. He didn't even know if he liked it.

__A female chipmunk with red hair and blue eyes was sitting on her bed with the holo-lynx sitting next to her. Both were looking at Sonic and Shadow with smiles on their faces. Sonic made no hesitation when walking up to the chipmunk. "Hiya, Sally!"
__"Hi, Sonic!" The chipmunk giggled.
__Shadow didn't pay mind to them talking. He waited until Nicole stood up and walked over to him. "I think I know why you're here," She said calmly, yet worriedly. Both Sonic and Sally stopped talking and looked at them.
__Shadow nodded and crossed his arms. "What caused my shoes to blow a fuse?"
__"Sorry I forgot to tell you." Nicole held her hand up and two little black balls appeared in them. "These were caught in them. These tiny spheres caused your rockets to blow a fuse and stop working."
__Shadow narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth. "That mother...!" He took the worn out spheres and stomped out of the room.
__"Wait!" Sonic called while chasing after Shadow. "Where are you going?"
__"I'm giving that damn commander a piece of my mind!"

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