Chapter Four

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__Shadow groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and caught Navi before she fell off the bed. Navi shook her head and started flying out of the room. Shadow started stretching his arms and upper body when his phone went off. He went to grab his phone and unplugged it. He saw that Sonic had texted him that Roter and Nicole were done with his shoes. Shadow then put his phone away and headed downstairs.
__Navi was on the kitchen counter, trying to peel one of the mangos herself. Shadow kept himself from smiling as he grabbed a knife and started peeling the mango for her. He handed it to her when he was done and watched her start eating. "You act like you've haven't had anything to eat," Shadow muttered. He then threw away to mango peelings in the trash.
__He passed the living room and was about to leave when he saw the black converses on the couch. He looked down at his feet and sighed. Shadow grabbed the shoes and carefully slipped them on his feet. They fit perfectly. They're not completely bad. Shadow thought. He then left the house and started walking through the woods.

__"Here you go, Mister Shadow," The holo-lynx said as she handed Shadow his jet shoes. "I must say, I've never messed with technology such as these."
__Shadow kept his eyes narrowed as he held his shoes under his arm. "These were created before you were, Nicole. Over fifty years ago."
__"Actually, if I remember correctly," Roter began as he entered the lab. "You're a clone of the original Shadow. So, these aren't your actual shoes."
__Shadow stifled a growl and tried to keep his composer. "Eggman had found the blueprints and created these. They're exactly the same."
__"All right, I believe you, man," Roter said awkwardly.
__Shadow cleared his throat and started walking. "Anyway, thanks for fixing them." As he walked away, he heard them mutter behind him.
__"Did he just say thanks?" Roter asked in shock.
__"He did indeed," Nicole added. "I also feel like I needed to tell him something."
__I know my manners, dammit! Shadow growled quietly as left the lab.

__"I don't know if this mission is still happening," Rouge said in concern. "I mean with this new commander...I know he said nothing's going to change, but that's not very convincing."
__Shadow and Rouge were sitting at a table in a cafe with E-123 Omega standing by them. Shadow had already changed his shoes and felt more comfortable being in public now. The three of them always met at this cafe in the morning to have breakfast (Shadow and Rouge at least).
__"You listening, Shadow?" Rouge asked in annoyance.
__Shadow nodded but didn't look at her. "The only time we speak with him is when he's giving us missions to do and when we give him our reports. Other than that, we don't make contact."
__Rouge took of sip of her coffee before speaking again. "Do you think he's that bad?"
__"I don't like this feeling he's giving me," Shadow sneered. "Just by looking at him I can tell things might change for the worst."
__"Are you saying we might lose our jobs?" Rouge asked worriedly.
__"I could," Shadow muttered. "You always have a way with men. I doubt you'll lose anything. But I'm more worried about Omega."
__E-123 Omega suddenly straightened and looked down at Shadow. "Am I at risk?"
__"Possibly," Shadow replied calmly. "I didn't like the look he was giving you yesterday."
__"I didn't even notice he was looking at Omega," Rouge muttered.
__"G.U.N. does have machines, but they're just suits," Shadow began. "Omega is the only robot; an Eggman robot nonetheless. I've even read Nathaniel's files. He's not a big fan of anything Eggman makes."
__"And you're a clone Eggman made..." Rouge trailed off and flattened her ears. "But he wouldn't get rid of you and Omega. The three of us are the top agents. Plus, you and Omega aren't even under Eggman's control. Omega literally wants to kill Eggman!"
__"I know, but I'm not saying this will happen," Shadow added. "I'm just saying we need to keep a low profile."
__"I guess you're right," Rouge sighed. "Well, no matter what happens to one of us because of this change, we face it together."
__Shadow nodded before looking at E-123 Omega. "Hear that, Omega? Keep a low profile."
__"Understood," E-123 Omega leaned forward a bit and stationed itself there.
__"Let's brighten things up a little," Rouge said brightly. "Sonic told me your shoes broke down yesterday."
__"Did he now?" Shadow asked unenthusiastically. "It doesn't matter anyway. They're fixed."
__"What I want to know is how they broke. They're built to last forever, aren't they?"
__"Yeah..." Shadow slowly looked down at his shoes and narrowed his eyes. "They're not supposed to be blowing fuses."
__"Weird." Rouge finished the rest of her coffee and stood up. "All right, let's not dawdle any longer."
__Shadow stood up as well. He placed five dollars as a tip on the table before he started walking. "Let's go, Omega." Rouge and E-123 Omega followed after Shadow. They made their way over to G.U.N. headquarters. Shadow kept his head up and shoulders back as they walked through the building. Everytime another agent would give him greetings, he would nod back at them and continue on. It didn't take long to reach the commander's office. All three of them hesitated.
__"Well? Go ahead and knock," Rouge said quietly.
__Shadow sighed and lightly knocked on the door.
__"Come on in!" Nate called through the door. Shadow looked back at Rouge and E-123 Omega before opening the door. He stood in the doorway and half expected to see their old commander sitting in his chair. But it was still that mobian tiger with gray eyes and slick black hair. Nate had his eyes narrowed and wore a big smile as he looked at Shadow. But something about that smile made Shadow's stomach churn. "Well, come in. I don't bite." His innocent smile then turned into a smirk.
__Shadow straightened when he felt Rouge grab his shoulders and walked into the room. Rouge and E-123 Omega stood by each side of him as they waited for Nate to explain their mission.

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