Chapter Twenty-six

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__Shadow was in his room sitting on his bed later that night. He was devastated and exhausted. He felt like his heart had been completely shattered. He didn't even care that he was bawling his eyes out when he never usually did. Navi was sitting on his lap. At first she tried to calm him down but gave up after a while. Shadow was overwhelmed by what happened. He couldn't believe Sonic had left him. What he really couldn't believe was that Sonic accused Shadow of using him to distract himself from Maria.
__Shadow started feeling anger boil inside. He had learned to love and care about that blue hedgehog, and he loved that he did. But his yearnings for Maria had ruined everything. All the rage he was feeling had dried his tears.
__After six minutes of sitting there and doing nothing, all he wanted to do was sleep. He didn't even care about the memories anymore. Shadow cradled Navi in his arms as he laid down on the bed. He closed his eyes but it would be a while before he found sleep.

__Shadow's nightmare hadn't come.
__When he woke up Shadow found that he was furious. He sat up immediately and dropped Navi onto his lap. He started growling to himself. As soon as Sonic pushes me away you stop haunting me with our memories!? What the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you doing this to me!? He continued growling until he let out a loud cry of anger, which caused Navi to flatten her ears and hide under the bed.
__Shadow got off the bed and stood by the computer desk. He picked up the photograph and glared at it. I lost my second chance at happiness because of you! The photograph shook in his hands before he smashed it against the wall. The frame broke apart and glass scattered on the floor. The old photo swiftly fell to the floor with the picture facing upward.
__Shadow felt all that anger melt away and sighed. "What do I do?" He flattened his ears and sat back down on the bed.
__Navi poked her head out from under the bed and saw Shadow's saddened expression. She looked at the closet and went inside. When she came back out she flew over to Shadow and set something down on his lap. It was one of the converse shoes Sonic had given him.
__Shadow felt his heart ache as he picked up the shoe. "I always tried keeping you beneath me. Now you're doing that to me. I can't say I don't deserve it."

__Shadow had to go shopping the next day to restock his inventory. He stayed quiet and kept his head down while he was in the city. He didn't acknowledge anyone who stopped to smile or say hi. He didn't even reply to the cashier after he asked how his day was. He continued acting like this on his way back. He kept this going until he accidentally bumped into someone and dropped his bags.
__"Sorry," He muttered as he picked up his things.
__Shadow looked up and his eyes grew wide. He had bumped into an old human man with one eye blue and the other yellow. Shadow was shocked to see that he wasn't wearing the G.U.N. commander uniform before he remembered he wasn't the commander anymore. Shadow didn't expect to ever see him again. "Hello."
__"Well, I didn't expect to see you again," The old man said before he laughed.
__Shadow nodded slowly. "Same. How's your grandchild doing?"
__"Just fine." The old man then frowned when he got a good of Shadow's face. "Something bothering you?"
__"Nothing important," Shadow groaned.
__"How's Nathaniel doing as the new commander?"
__Shadow got annoyed as he rolled his eyes. "Hell if I know now."
__The old man tilted his head in confusion. "Has something happened?"
__"He fired me," was all Shadow said.
__The old man's eyes grew wide. "He what? Why?"
__"I was simply late to his meeting with the president."
__"I'm sorry to hear that," the old man said softly. He then smiled. "Well, I heard that mission at the gala went well."
__Shadow narrowed one eye. "What do you mean?"
__"The assassination attempt at the gala? That was the mission I had assigned to you and your friends after I retired. It was on the news that the assassin was stopped and arrested."
__"That was not the mission we were told you assigned for us," Shadow said reluctantly. "Nathaniel had us get an illegal bomb shipment at the Dragoncast factory." Which he was the one who bought them, he failed to say.
__"Huh," The old man shrugged his shoulders. "I guess he had his reasons."
__"He certainly did," Shadow growled. He shook his head and looked at the old man again. "You don't by any chance have a document stating you needed us to do that other mission, do you?"
__The old man nodded. "I sure do. Why?"
__"My friends and I are going to need that."

__Rouge was examining the paper documents with interest and excitement. Shadow and E-123 Omega were with her, sitting at the cafe for the first time in a while. Shadow liked being back at the cafe with these two. It made him forget about everything that has happened.
__"We're nearly there, guys," Rouge said excitedly.
__"What do you mean nearly?" Shadow questioned.
__"We have his plans, a witness, proof we weren't supposed to be handling the illegal bomb shipment, but we don't have anything that states what his motives with the government are and why."
__"Does it matter?" Shadow sneered.
__"I want to make sure we have a one hundred percent chance of success on this," Rouge said confidently. "I don't want to risk anything."
__Shadow rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
__Rouge looked at Shadow for a minute before leaning on the table. "Is something wrong? I don't have to say what it is, but you know..."
__"Yes, but that's all I'll say," Shadow muttered.

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