Chapter Thirty-two

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__Shadow had teleported near Sonic's location. He stayed put to take a quick look at the scene. There were lots of humans wearing the same uniform as the men at the Dragoncast factory and lots of different robots in a large group. He could see that Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic, and Nate were watching from the distance. Dr. Eggman was in his flying contraption again with Metal Sonic under him. Nate was standing by the blue robot while keeping some distance. He seemed to be enjoying what he was watching. He then saw Sonic in the center of the large group. He was able to fight everyone back easily while avoiding the gunshots. He could deal with this alone and win, but even so Shadow went over to help.
__He busted through the bushes and rammed himself into the first enemy he came to, knocking them down. He pushed through all the humans and robots until he was right beside Sonic. The two of them immediately stood behind each other, pressing their quills against the other's. Sonic had a big smile on his face when he used a homing attack on a robot before going back in place.
__"What took you so long? I thought you were fast."
__Shadow smirked as he shot Chaos Spears into the robots that dared to charge at them. "Maybe compared to you."
__"Didn't you lose our last race?" Sonic teased before running over to tackle one of the humans. He stood on top of him as he looked back at Shadow. "Anyway, glad you could make it."
__"Please," Shadow snorted. He then ran and kicked another human in the stomach. "Like I'd miss out on the chance to upstage you once again."
__"You wish!" Sonic was about to speak again when another human came and managed to punch him in the face. "Mother...!" Sonic had retaliated by spin dashing against him and throwing him back. "Don't interrupt me!" He yelled promptly and angrily.
__Shadow giggled for a bit as he continued fighting. "You can be feisty when you want to be," he infered brightly.
__Sonic laughed out loud as he busted through a big robot. "Don't you be getting any ideas!" He joked.
__"What is that supposed to mean?" Shadow asked as he leaned back to avoid a firing bullet.
__Sonic had narrowed his eyes and smirked. "You know what I mean."
__"What's with the smug look on your face? We haven't won yet." Shadow had curled up into a ball and knocked down every human and robot that came his way.
__"We will win shortly!" Sonic gloated as he continued to knock all his enemies down. "After that, there's something I want to tell you."
__"I thought you just told me not to think like that," Shadow teased. He brought out both palms and shot more Chaos Spears into his enemies, watching the robots blow up with delight.
__"It's not like that!" Sonic replied promptly. He then jumped up to grab the heads of two humans and slammed them against each other. He smiled as he looked back at Shadow. "This'll make you happy either way. I promise you that."
__Shadow had been pinned down by a human, but he wasn't phased by it. He just brought his foot up and aimed his rockets to the human's chest before activating them. The flames had caught on his vest. Shadow watched him scream as he fled trying to put the fire out. Shadow then stood up and looked at Sonic. "I'll be the judge of that."
__Sonic had ran over to Shadow and grabbed both of his hands. "That's good enough for me." Sonic had braced himself before Shadow swung Sonic around and let go of his hands. Sonic then curled into a ball as he went through a line of big robots.
__Shadow then brought his attention to Nate while still fighting. Nate was staring at him and Sonic with this anger and annoyance.
__"They're flirting even in battle!?" He yelled.
__"They're what!?" Dr. Eggman exclaimed. Beneath him Metal Sonic had been flexing its claws as if it were readying itself for the doctor's command.
__Shadow had grown tense. All the robots were destroyed, but there were still a bunch of humans and they all had guns. Now rather than charging they all aimed for the two hedgehogs and fired their weapons. The hedgehogs had to do more dodging while knocking them back.
__For a while the two were getting the hang of it. But as time went on, more men joined the battle. It was never ending. Each time they threw someone back another person would just take their place. To Shadow this was aggravating, but Sonic seemed to be enjoying this. He had this smirk on his face the entire time. But at one point he got cocky while charging at one of the men. He tried slamming against him but the man acted first and used the back of his rifle to hit Sonic's face. Sonic had been thrown back and Shadow saw that the two claw marks on his left cheek were bleeding again. Sonic didn't seem to notice as he retaliated against the man that hit him.
__Shadow had continued doing what he had been doing: using Chaos Control, speed, brawl strength, and the rockets from his shoes if need be. There was at one moment when someone had charged at him and for some reason Shadow pulled out his bayonet to slice the man's hand before using his homing attack to knock him back. Shadow had growled at himself as he put the knife back while dodging more bullets.
__He then began to grow tired of this endless fight. He made sure to move far away from Sonic, while having the humans following him, before he focused all of his energy and screamed, "Chaos Blast!" A large ball of light formed around him and threw everyone that had followed him far back. When the light disappeared the ground around Shadow had been dug down and burnt. He thought he had finally shortened out the enemy, but even more humans came. How many people has Nate recruited!? This is insane!
__Shadow then perked his ears when he saw Sonic fighting. He could tell Sonic was growing tired. Sonic had focused on a small group of people and there was one guy in the distance with some kind of high tech shot gun. The other humans had stayed back as the man aimed the gun at Sonic. Panic filled Shadow's mind as he ran for Sonic. He could not think. All the sounds of men yelling and gunshots had been muffled. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as Sonic turned to look at him. For a moment he thought he saw Maria as he pushed Sonic back and felt an insane amount of pain form in the side of his stomach. Blood had been pouring out of his side and stomach as he collapsed onto the ground. Shadow could hear again, but there wasn't any gunshots or men yelling. Just an eerie silence.
__Sonic had stood up from where he was and shook his head before looking down at Shadow. His eyes had grown wide as he flattened his ears. There was panic in worry in his expression as he knelt down and grabbed the black hedgehog. "Shadow!"

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