Chapter Seven

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__"Shadow, wait up!" Sonic called out. Shadow stomped his feet as he stopped and turned to glare at the blue hedgehog. Sonic slowed down as he neared Shadow and looked at him with concern. "What's going on, Shadow?"
__Shadow snorted and started walking again, making Sonic follow after him. "I don't need to tell you anything."
__Sonic moved next to Shadow and kept his face looking forward. "I don't suppose I can go with you?"
__"I don't care about what you do," Shadow growled. "Just stay out of my way."
__"All...all right then..." Sonic fell into silence, which relieved Shadow a little. He couldn't believe someone had the guts to pull something like that: Sabotaging his shoes. He was right not to trust this new commander.
__Once they made it to G.U.N. headquarters, Shadow stopped when the commander had just left the building. The tiger looked rather calm, even though he saw that Shadow was glaring at him.
__"Who's that?" Sonic asked. "What happened to the other commander? The one with the gray hair and blue and yellow eyes?"
__Shadow ignored him and stomped over to Nate. Nate stayed where he was and stared at Shadow with interest. Once Shadow was in front of him, he started the confrontation. "What did you do!?"
__"I beg your pardon, Mr. Shadow?" Nate asked calmly.
__Sonic quickly walked over to Shadow with his ears flattened. Shadow took out the little black spheres and nearly shoved them into the tiger's face. "This! Why were these in my shoes!?"
__Nate didn't even look at what Shadow was holding. He locked his eyes with Shadow's, still looking really calm. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
__"Don't play dumb with me!" Shadow growled as he retracted his hand. "You somehow got these in my rocket shoes that caused them to blow a fuse yesterday!"
__Sonic perked his ears and straightened as he looked at Shadow. "Is that what happened?" He then narrowed his eyes and looked at Nate. "I wanna hear an explanation!"
__"Bud out of this!" Shadow sneered. He then scowled at the tiger. "You can't hide what you did. I know you don't like me and Omega just because we were made by Eggman."
__Nate sighed and crossed his arms. He narrowed his eyes and straightened himself. "I'm very hurt that you mean that, Mr. Shadow. I know what you and your friends have done for this world. I have no idea how those go into your shoes, but I'm not the one who put those in them."
__Shadow knew Nate was lying. He could see it in his eyes. He was about to yell at him when Sonic grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back a bit. "Shadow, come on! I think you made things bad enough."
__Shadow felt a cold, uncomfortable sensation when Sonic touched him. It sent alarms through his mind and he began panicking. Without thinking, he turned and punched Sonic, knocking him down. Nate looked surprised and backed up a bit when Shadow glared at Sonic. "Don't touch me!"
__Sonic sat up and rubbed his face where Shadow hit him. He had one eye closed as he looked up at Shadow with his ears flattened. "What the fuck!? You didn't have to hit me, you jerk!"
__Nate had calmed himself and cleared his throat. "I think I'll leave you two alone." He started walking until he was by Shadow's head and started speaking softly. "If I were you, I would watch how you behave. I don't want to have to lay you off from the only job you seem to enjoy." He then continued walking away.
__Shadow then realized what he did and took a step back. He watched Sonic stand up slowly and didn't dare move when Sonic glared at him. "What's your problem!? I was trying to keep you from getting into trouble, and you punch me!?"
__Shadow didn't make eye contact with the angry hedgehog. He knew he just messed up, but he didn't want to apologize. Actually, it was more like he couldn't apologize. He tried to say sorry without saying sorry. " more careful..." But Sonic wasn't taking it.
__"I want an actual apology, you dick!" Sonic yelled. "You can't keep acting like this!"
__Shadow flattened his ears from Sonic's protest. He never saw Sonic this mad. At least, not this close and not toward him. For some reason, he didn't like that Sonic was angry at him. He didn't understand why. He cleared his mind and tried to apologize properly. "All right. I'm..." He groaned and looked away. "...sorry..." he finally muttered.
__Sonic's face had softened. He then crossed his arms and sighed. "You really need to work on that. You can't act all high and mighty and expect everyone to want to work with you."
__Shadow perked his ears and looked back at Sonic. "What makes you think I even want to work with others?"
__"I'm talking about Rouge. She may think it's cute the way you act right now, but after a while it may get annoying."
__Shadow then got mad himself and bared his teeth at Sonic. "Don't lecture me! I already apologized to you! Isn't that enough!?"
__Sonic didn't respond to that. Instead, he started walking back the way he came and wrapped his arms under his quills. "I'm going back to hang with Sally."
__Shadow just stood there and stared after Sonic. He suddenly felt small. He had thought that all the excitement was from his confrontation to the commander, but that wasn't the case. He had arguments with Sonic before. So why did this feel different than any other argument they've had?

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