Chatper Twenty-seven

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__No matter how much he didn't want to, Shadow had told Rouge and E-123 Omega everything. From his yearnings for Maria, her haunting memories, to Sonic leaving him. Of course E-123 Omega didn't understand much, but what it did understand was that Shadow was clearly upset by this. Rouge was upset, too. She had stood up and went over to hug Shadow while other people at the cafe began to stare. Upon seeing this, E-123 Omega went over and carefully put it's big hand against Shadow as a form of comfort.
__"All right, all right. Back off," Shadow groaned as he shooed his friends away.
__Rouge had moved her chair closer to Shadow and sat down in it. She looked at Shadow with her ears flattened. "If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you just tell him about your dreams, even if he figured it out on his own?"
__Shadow leaned onto the back of his chair and crossed his arms. "He wouldn't have understood what was happening. I sure didn't."
__"You underestimate how Sonic understands things," Rouge informed softy. "He seems ignorant, in a cute way I might add, but Sonic is very smart. He'd know what you're going through if you let him."
__"He already accused me of using him, though," Shadow pointed out sadly. "I don't even know where he got that idea."
__"Well, are you?"
__Shadow shook his head slowly. "I was just starting to fully understand what we had. He did keep my mind off of Maria when I was around him, but that's not why I was with him."
__"Why were you with him?"
__Shadow flattened his ears and closed his eyes tightly. He fought through his pride to speak his mind. "I just...wanted to be loved again, and Sonic was giving that to me."
__Rouge's ears perked up as her eyes grew wide. She then frowned and hugged Shadow again. "Aw, Shadow. Even if it's not the same, you know Omega and I love you, right?" Rouge looked at E-123 Omega for some kind of acknowledgment but it didn't show any. "Right, Omega?"
__The big robot straightened before leaning itself up and down as if it were nodding. "Right you are, even if I can't feel real emotion."
__"Don't be too literal!" Rouge hissed.
__"It's fine," Shadow muttered. "I might have you two, and I'm glad I do, but it still isn't enough."
__"I know, Shadow." Rouge sighed and rested her head on his. "I know."

__The next day Shadow was carefully following Nate around the city. Before he left the cafe yesterday, he and his friends agreed to follow Nate to see what he would do. Although, Rouge and E-123 Omega had yet to come to their meeting spot, so Shadow left on his own. He brought his phone with him and made sure to turn off his ringer and flash just in case.
__Nate was wearing casual clothing with a hat and sunglasses. That alone made Shadow anxious. He kept a long distance between them. Just to where he could barely see him. He made sure to keep his steps light to avoid any noise while staying at a constant pace. Whenever Nate would turn around Shadow would be a step ahead and hide. He always counted to fifteen in his head before continuing on.
__After following him for eleven minutes, Nate had finally left the city. Shadow felt excited. The walking took another long time still, until Shadow saw Nate go into the woods. He had to be extra careful with his steps, but that meant he would slow his pace. He lost sight of him, but he continued forward.
__Shadow walked slower when he heard two voices. They were muffled at first but as he continued on, he was able identify them. One of them was Nate's and Shadow had to keep his teeth clenched when he heard Eggman's voice. He kept going until he saw them, but stayed put at a good distance. He saw that Eggman was in his flying contraption with Metal Sonic on the ground beneath him. Both were looking at Nate. Shadow hid behind a tree and pulled out his phone. He checked again to make sure his ringer and flash were off before recording them. He kept his mouth shut and his breathing steady as he listened and watched his phone screen recording them.
__"And are you sure everything is going well?" Eggman had asked suspiciously. Metal Sonic had flexed its claws as they waited.
__Nate had his hands cupped behind his back as he nodded. "Of course I'm sure. I've already brought his spirits down."
__"Might I ask how you did so?"
__Nate made a big smile, showing his fangs. "I brought up your deceased cousin."
__Shadow held his breathe as Eggman leaned forward. "Why would Sonic be concerned about her? He never even met her."
__Nate giggled before speaking. "It's not that he's concerned about her, but that he's concerned about one of your creations."
__"Shadow?" Eggman's soft voice saying that nearly made Shadow's heart stop. "Why is that?"
__"I had one of my agents spy on the two of them," Nate explained. "Those two had become close. But I ruined it for them. Now that blue hedgehog is a wreck. He's slowly beginning to have trust issues with his own allies."
__"Exellent." Eggman leaned back in his mobile while Metal Sonic let itself relax.
__"He spends his days alone now," Nate continued. "So far he is unable to sense danger or when someone is watching him closely. You can act at anytime and my men will help you, so long as you give me what I'm promised."
__Eggman groaned as he crossed his arms. "Yes, yes. I will have the world but you will control all government forms to my aid."
__Nate's smile had turned devilish.
__Shadow pulled his phone back and stopped the recording. He had exactly what he needed to get Nate arrested. Plus, it would put a dent in Eggman's plans with whatever he was planning with Sonic. That part now was Shadow's main goal. Even if Sonic didn't love him anymore, he wasn't going to let him get hurt or worse.
__Just as Shadow was about to put his phone away and carefully leave, he felt a large hand clasp around his mouth. He was pulled back and a gun was held against his head. "Don't you fucking move or make any noise." Before Shadow could try to teleport another man came and took his phone. Shadow watched as the man snapped his phone in half.
__"I shall see you again soon, Nathaniel," Eggman's voiced spoke, making Shadow look over. "Come, Metal Sonic." Eggman flew away with Metal Sonic flying after him. Nathaniel still had a smile on his face as he walked away until Shadow couldn't see him anymore.
__"I thought you were supposed to be the ultimate lifeform!" The man that broke his phone mocked. "Look at you, being held at gunpoint looking so helpless."
__Shadow just rolled his eyes, which made the man look confused. Shadow was about to teleport when he heard a loud gunshot. He had thought for a minute the man holding him had shot him, but he saw that the other man fell to the ground with blood pouring out of his head whilst his body started spazzing out before it went still. The man holding Shadow dropped him. Shadow stayed where he was and looked up as he saw E-123 Omega walking towards them with its guns out and pointing at the trembling man. He tried running but the robot immediately shot him in the head and watched him drop. It then retracted its guns and pulled out its metal hands as replacement, looking down at Shadow.
__"About damn time you got here," Shadow sneered as he stood up before continuing sarcastically. "And it had to be you, of course. You're wasting life!"
__The big robot was not phased by Shadow's words. "Would you rather have them alive with the knowledge that you know what's happening? Or would you prefer to have them kill you instead?"
__"I had it handled!" Shadow retorted. He then growled and sighed. "Forget it. They're already dead. It's too late."
__"Shadow!" Rouge had flown down from the sky and landed by them. She looked at the dead bodies and immediately glared at E-123 Omega. "What did you do!? I said we didn't need to bring attention to us!"
__"No one else is here to notice," The robot replied blandly.
__Shadow looked down to where his broken phone was. He wasn't mad or upset by it. He knelt down and grabbed the pieces. He looked around until he pulled out his memory card. "Idiots." He stood back up and glared at Rouge. "Where have you been!?"
__"Okay, just listen real quick," Rouge said promptly. "Omega and I needed to do something before we met up with you. It just took a long time. All you need to know is that Sonic wants to speak with you. Now."

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