Chapter Thirteen

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__Once it was dark out, Shadow slowly made his way to Sonic's house. Part of him didn't want to apologize and thought he should turn back, but the other was forcing him to move his feet and preparing his mouth to move and say "sorry." He created multiple apologies but wasn't sure which would be best. He also had to make himself sound sorry. He knew by now that even if he meant something he said, his sarcastic voice wouldn't sound like it. Why am I so dark and depressing?
__Once he was at Sonic's house, he stood in front of the door for a minute. He still couldn't figure out what to say to Sonic. A few things came to mind. Hey, I don't really hate you. Look, we both said some things. Let's put this behind us. Everyone's an idiot sometimes. None of these sounded good. Guess I am an idiot. He shook his head and sighed. Here goes nothing. He slowly, but loudly knocked on the door. There was a loud crash, which made Shadow retract his hand quickly.
__"God dammit!" Sonic's voice sounded through the open window. Shadow hadn't noticed it was open. There was a screen on it, though. He tried to look in, but Milo had suddenly pressed himself against the screen and started shouting at Shadow. "Milo, for god's sake! Get down from there!" After Milo moved away from the window, the door opened. Sonic's expression was stern and tired. "What!?" When he realized he was looking at Shadow his eyes grew wide. He then shook his head and glared at him. "The hell do you want?"
__Shadow's ear twitched nervously from the question. He hadn't expected Sonic to be mad at him. "I..." He cleared his throat and tried to keep himself still while fighting back the protests in his head. "I came to...apologize."
__Sonic didn't look convinced. "Apologize? You? Is this some kind of joke!?" Shadow could hear the edge of anger in Sonic's voice. He made himself look and sound calm, like how Nate acted toward him.
__"I'm being serious. I never joke."
__Sonic seemed to have calmed down a bit. He still looked mad, though. "Okay. Apologize for what? Nearly attacking me? Not taking my advice? Yelling at me? Saying you hated me?" He asked sarcastically.
__Why are you making this difficult? "All those things," Shadow replied tiredly. "I really don't like anyone try to teach me things I already know, but I had no right to take it out on you. And I don't necessarily hate you. That just slipped out and I didn't realize it. So, I'm sorry for all that." Shadow had expected Sonic to smile and make some dumb comment that would brighten up the mood, but it was the exact opposite.
__"Do you think I'm stupid?" He barked. "This isn't even you apologizing, is it? Like you said yesterday, you played the part of someone else. You're doing that now!"
__Shadow flattened his ears and took a step back. "What? No I'm not."
__But Sonic rolled his eyes and started growling. "What you told me was the truth. I know it was. You're just mocking me!"
__"No I'm not!" Shadow started to panic a bit while keeping his body still and calm. "I came here on my own accord and I'm apologizing with my own mouth. Why are you being difficult?"
__"You would never do this," Sonic muttered. "I do appreciate the thought of you apologizing, but I don't accept it! You've already made your point yesterday. Now leave!" Sonic backed into his house and slammed the door before Shadow could move.
__"Guh! Hey!" Shadow was about to grab the doorknob but stopped before he could even touch it. He slowly pulled it back and stared at the door. What just happened? Sonic hadn't accept his apology. Now he didn't know what to do. He figured Sonic would've been happy after the apology. Now he had to deal with this for a long time. He was about to turn and leave when he saw Milo glaring and growling at him through the window as he walked away.

__Four days passed. Shadow was still thinking about how angry Sonic was at him. He was upset about it, but he was able to hide it from Rouge and E-123 Omega. The day after Shadow tried apologizing to Sonic, Rouge had asked him how he went. He lied and told her it went okay, but they wouldn't talk as much. Well, the second half wasn't necessarily a lie. It didn't matter since Rouge believed him. She found it to be the best thing to be happening now after hearing her wing wouldn't heal for two months. Shadow had no intention of taking those words back since he didn't want to make Rouge upset, too.
__With all that time, he began yearning for Maria again, like the original Shadow had been after being awakened. He remembered everytime Maria was there for him. She was the only one who put up with his aggression without lashing out. Never once had she ever got mad at him for being who he was. Why weren't there others like her? Even Rouge would get annoyed with Shadow after a while. He didn't realize how much he wanted someone to just sit and listen to him until now. And Maria was the only person who would.
__Shadow was with Rouge and E-123 Omega at the cafe again. Shadow hadn't ordered anything to eat or drink, but he offered to pay for Rouge's breakfast. Rouge did look concerned but she hadn't said anything about it. She had been trying to talk to Shadow, though he wasn't listening. This annoyed Rouge.
__"Shadow, you aren't listening!" She complained. "Okay, what's going on? You're obviously upset."
__Shadow was slouched in his seat while he had his arms crossed. He really didn't want to talk to Rouge about this. "It's nothing. I'm listening."
__"No, you're not," Rouge said in annoyance. "What's really going on?"
__"I said nothing," Shadow growled through his teeth. He was starting to get mad now. E-123 Omega continued to stay silent, but it was moving its eyes each time one of them spoke.
__"I'm not stupid, Shadow."
__"I never said you were."
__"What's gotten you upset now?"
__"Are you deaf? I said nothing!"
__"B.S.! I know you better than that! Now tell me!"
__"I said no!"
__Rouge had flatten her ears as she glared at Shadow. "Why are you acting like this?" She continued to pester. "You're being difficult! Just tell me what's wrong!"
__"Can't you just shut up for once in your life!?" Shadow shouted. This made the entire cafe go silent. Everyone was staring at their table now. Shadow watched Rouge frown, showing hurt in her eyes. He couldn't stand this. He didn't bother counting his money as he set it on the table and started walking away. "I'm fucking done."
__Rouge perked her ears and followed after Shadow while E-123 Omega struggled to get around the table. "Shadow, wait!"
__Shadow stopped and glared at Rouge, making her stop dead in her tracks. "Don't follow me." He then teleported back to his house. He felt the adrenaline kick in as he locked the front and back door and all the windows. Once he was done, he went back to his room and collapsed face down on his bed. This is just great. He ignored Navi as she climbed onto his back and laid herself on it. Of course something that can't talk doesn't get on my nerves. Why can't things be the way they used to be?

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