Chapter Sixteen

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__Shadow stood there in bewilderment. He had one hand clenched onto the doorknob while the other held the flash drive behind his back. Sonic was standing there with his head tilted. He looked a bit uncomfortable and uneasy, but he wore a bright smile. Before Shadow could ask what he was doing here, he was suddenly knocked backward. He hit his quills on the floor and the flash drive got out of his grip and slid under the couch. Shadow grunted as he sat up and saw that Milo was trying to grab hold of his chestfur.
__"Milo!" Sonic whined, but he sounded tired. He walked inside and pulled Milo off of Shadow. He held him close to his chest and grinned awkwardly at Shadow. "Sorry about Milo. He gets like that in someone else's territory." Milo started squirming and growling but Sonic managed to keep him still. "Knock it off!"
__Shadow stood up and fixed his chestfur before replying. "'Kay, but why are you here? And why didn't you just come to the door right away?"
__"You knew I was out there?" Sonic giggled awkwardly and looked away. "I didn't wanna bother Rouge and Omega, so I waited until they left before going to the door. Anyway, I thought maybe we could hang out again? I mainly want Milo here to get used to you."
__Shadow looked down at Milo and brought his attention to the couch. He knelt down on the floor and reached his hand under it to find the flash drive.
__"Shadow?" Sonic sat by Shadow and tilted his head in confusion. "What are you doing?"
__"What does it look like I'm doing?" Shadow grunted as he got his arm unstuck from a certain position before moving it around again. "Dropped something." He found the drive and pulled his arm out from under the couch. He gritted his teeth when he saw that dust and lint covered his arm. He then stood up and started cleaning his arm off. "You were saying?"
__Sonic stood up as well. "So, would you be up for hanging out? I know you don't like Milo attacking you. This will be good for him."
__When Shadow was done cleaning his arm he looked at Sonic with his eyes narrowed. He just wants me and his chao to get along? He thought this was unnecessary and stupid. But he wasn't willing to say no after saving Sonic the other day. Just before Shadow could reply, Milo managed to get out of Sonic's grip and flew upstairs. Shadow flattened his ears and chased after him. "Hey! Don't go up there!"
__"Dammit, Milo!" Sonic quickly followed Shadow up the stairs.
__Shadow found that his bedroom door open and went inside. He stifled a growl when he saw that Milo was chasing Navi. Milo was making lots of happy sounds, as if calling to her. Navi wasn't having it, though. She protested as she tried to keep her distance from the other chao. Shadow tried to grab at least Milo to keep him away from Navi. Sonic reluctantly walked into the room and watched what was going on with shock. When Navi realized Shadow was here she quickly flew behind him to hide from Milo. Shadow then glared at Milo and watched him retreat back to Sonic.
__"I didn't know you had one," Sonic said in astonishment. He was trying to get a good look at Navi but she kept herself behind Shadow.
__"I didn't intend on telling anyone," Shadow said. "She's scared of almost everything that comes from outside the house."
__"Aw," Sonic giggled. "What's her name?"
__Shadow grabbed onto Navi and hugged her to his chest to calm her down. "Navi."
__Milo was about to fly over to him when Sonic grabbed him. "Nu-uh! You already caused enough trouble." Sonic then started looking around the room. His gaze landed on the framed photo, which was set on a desk next to the computer. "You still have that?" Shadow flattened his ears and looked away as Sonic stared at the photo. "I remember finding that in the ark after Shadow died."
__"I have all of his memories," Shadow muttered. "I wouldn't dare throw that out." Shadow then remembered the day he received that photo. Shadow was still struggling to remember who he was when Black Doom was trying to use him. Sonic understood what he was going through. He had went home to get the photo and gave it to Shadow.
__"I think it would be better if you keep it," Sonic had said with a compassionate smile. That smile would always bother Shadow to this day since he never smiled like that since.
__Sonic hugged Milo with one arm while he picked up the photo with his free hand. He then looked at Shadow. "Do you still miss them?" Shadow didn't answer. He didn't feel like talking about Maria while Sonic was here with him. Sonic noticed this and put the photo back. "Sorry."
__Shadow shook his head. "Don't worry about it. You said you wanted to hang out?"
__Sonic smiled awkwardly and flattened his ears as his head shrunk to his shoulders. "If you want to that is."
__Shadow looked at Milo before looking at Navi. "Sure. I'll bring Navi."

__Shadow and Sonic were sitting in the middle of an open field. They had been there for half an hour. Milo and Navi had gotten used to each other and were playing. Shadow was surprised by this. This was the first time he had brought Navi outside. She was scared and clung onto Shadow for dear life. It took a while for Shadow to encourage Navi to fly on her own and Milo didn't make it any easier. He was relieved now that Navi wasn't scared. Milo seemed to have gotten used to Shadow, too. He didn't growl, glare, or bite Shadow the entire time they were here.
__Sonic was sitting close to Shadow. He kept his knees to his chest and would sometimes cough while hiding his mouth behind his knees. He was still a bit weak from nearly drowning, but he assured Shadow that he was doing just fine.
__Shadow was actually enjoying himself. He didn't show it, though. While barely talking to Sonic, he was going through his old memories again. He didn't understand why he kept thinking about Maria and the Space Colony Ark. He knew he was here to spend time with Sonic, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking about Maria. There would be times Sonic would talk and ask a question and Shadow would stay silent, making him a bit uncomfortable.
__When it was time to leave, both hedgehogs stood up and their chao immediately went to their sides. Shadow had said his goodbye and was about to leave when Sonic started talking again.
__"Hey uh, Shadow?" Shadow turned to look at Sonic. Sonic looked nervous while he had his hands behind his back and digging at the dirt with his shoe. "People are talking about an abandoned mansion that's supposed to be haunted," He let out a chuckle before he continued. "I was planning to check it out with Tails and Knuckles, but we could go together. That is...if you want to?"
__Shadow narrowed one eye at Sonic. His face had turned a bit red and it confused Shadow. He also didn't like how Sonic looked when he was nervous. He learned by now that Sonic would always smile if he agreed to hang out with him. That's what he wanted, so he nodded. "Is it actually haunted?" He made himself sound interested.
__Sonic grinned and wrapped his arms under his quills. "We won't know until we get there. What day works for you?"
__"I'll have to get back to you on that."
__"No worries. Just let me know when you feel like going."
__Shadow nodded before waving goodbye and walking away. While he was walking, Navi had flown in front of him and smirked. "Why are you looking at me like that? Stop that." Navi laughed before she moved to fly beside him.

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