[06] sunday, bloody sunday

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Sunday, Bloody Sunday

The gang all stood around in the Formans' driveway, playing Horse. Really, the boys and Donna were playing. Jackie and Izzy were sitting on top of the car with a couple of pops, watching their boys.

Kelso took a shot and missed, yelling, "Damn!"

"Oh!" Hyde said. "Kelso misses another one! I believe that's uh, H - O - R."

Fez grinned. "Ah, you are a whore."

"No, the game is 'Horse.'" Kelso said, confused.

"Oh..." Fez said as he walked away.

Jackie finished her coke and stood up, throwing her can in the trash. "Ok, you know what, Michael? I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna do my homework."

Eric laughed. "You do your homework on a Saturday night?"

"Yeah?" Jackie replied, clearly annoyed.

Eric grinned. "Look, I mean, look at me. I've got a thousand word term paper due Monday. But you don't see me sweating! I've got a whole crappy Sunday to do it."

"Jackie, don't go home," Kelso said. "I mean, Steve Martin's hosting Saturday Night!"

"I hate that show. Ok, they have these commercials that you think are real, but they're not real. And then, you wanna buy the stuff!" Jackie paused, seeing how everyone was looking at her strangely. "Ok, see you Michael!" She said, walking off.

Everyone waved her goodbye with big grins on their faces.

"Kelso, Jackie does her homework on Saturday night. That's so hip!" Hyde said sarcastically.

"You guys don't have to worry about Jackie anymore 'cause I'm breaking up with her."

"No, you're not." Izzy said, jumping off the hood of the car. "You always say that."

"I-I am! I'm breaking up with her!"

Hyde walked over to Izzy and put an arm around her. "Yeah? When?"

"I'm picking my moment."

Eric stopped. "Hey, where's Fez?"

They all turned to see Fez standing behind the fence. He took a shot at the basket, and the ball went straight in. "Make that shot, whore!"


The next morning, at breakfast, Kitty was dancing around to the radio, singing along and hip-bumping Red as she walked past him with orange juice.

"Well now, aren't the waffles extra delicious this wonderful morning!" She said cheerfully.

Izzy tried to suppress her laughter. "Did you quit smoking again?"

"And why do you ask, little one?"

"Well, you're kinda talking like Snow White again." Eric said.

"Eric!" Red warned.

"Which is great! Um... I really want you to quit."

"Well, I should have quit a long time ago! I'm a nurse, I know better. More sausage?"

After that, the phone rang. Red got up and picked it up, talking briefly before hanging up, all very calm.

"Who was that, dear?" Kitty asked, a smile on her face.

"Uh, my mother. Seems like, uh, Uncle Paul broke his ankle, and uh, she's going to church with us today."

Immediately, Kitty's smile went away. "No she's not. It's Paul's turn to take her."

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