[53] your time is gonna come

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Your Time Is Gonna Come

Izzy was sitting in the Hub one day, watching as Kelso introduced Annette to everyone. Yep, the blonde bimbo from California had arrived in Point Place, Wisconsin, and Kelso was proudly showing her off to anyone and everyone he possibly could.

Kelso had wanted Annette to stay with Izzy, and, to be honest, Izzy was fine with that. She and Annette had gotten along decently well in California, based off the very few conversations they had with each other. Kitty was quick to veto that, though, when her parents showed up unexpectedly to stay with them for a few days.

So, because of Bea and Burt, Annette was going to stay with Donna (much to Donna's own dismay).

"Donna," Annette asked. "Can we go to your house? I have to change into my afternoon outfit." She looked around at the others before explaining: "Gauchos and clogs!"

Fez grinned. "Bravo."

"Uh... you have an afternoon outfit?" Donna asked.

"Of course she does!" Kelso said, settling an arm around Annette's waist. "You could use a little freshenin' up too, Big D."

Izzy scowled and punched Kelso in the arm, making Hyde laugh. "Don't be a dick, Kelso."

"Wh- Forwoman! Ow!"

Donna sighed. "Why don't I meet you guys by the car?"

Annette nodded and stood up. "C'mon, Michael. While we're waiting, I'll let you smell my hair!"

"B- But I just got these fries..."

"Fine!" She huffed. "Then I'll go flirt with the gas station guy!"

"Fine!" He grabbed his fries and got up, following her outside but stopping at the Super Ball machine.

"Wow." Fez breathed. "You know when you have a dirty dream? Well, Annette is the girl who's always in it. Oh, she should be ashamed of what she has done to me."

"Okay, I didn't mind her in California, but now that she's got her hooks on Kelso... she's irking me a tad. Something's different." Izzy said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. Something evil." Donna agreed.

Eric nodded. "Agreed. But I just can't put my finger on it."

Just then, Annette opened the door to see Kelso still at the Super Ball machine. "Michael! I'm waiting!"

"I was getting you a Super Ball! Damn!"

"I told you, I don't like presents that bounce!"

As Kelso groaned like a child and followed her outside, Hyde sighed. "Oh god, I figured it out. She's a blonde Jackie."

Donna and Eric gasped, and at the same time, said, "Blackie."

"We are doomed." Fez said quietly.

"I can't spend the night alone with that!" Donna whined. She spotted Jackie and Nick joining their table, and immediately grabbed onto that lifeline. "Jackie, you have to sleep in my house!"

"Ooh, good idea." Eric said. "Put both Jackies in a room, toss some lipstick in the middle... watch them tear each other to shreds."

Jackie shook her head. "No no, I don't wanna sleep over." She paused. "What? I don't like her!"

"Come on Jackie, let's help Donna out." Izzy said. "We can have, like, a pajama party, and we can do makeovers-"

"I'm not interested in stupid girly things. I mean god, I'm not shallow anymore!"

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