chapter 7

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Ruel's pov:

It's been a few days since my kiss with Callie, we haven't spoken about it yet, i guess you can say that things were slightly awkward between us.

"Ruel, mom said to come down, lunch is ready" Coco said entering my room.

I think she sensed that i was thinking too much.

"You alright?" she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I sighed deeply, not answering her question, "It's about a girl isn't it?" she guessed.

"How'd you know" i looked at her curiously.

She shrugged her shoulders "I didn't, but now i do".

"Well whomever this girl is i hope you figure things out between the both of you, but deep down i know it's Callie" she smirked walking away from my bedroom.

"Lunch!" she shouted outside the hall and i stood up going down the stairs for lunch.


"Honestly dude i think you have major feelings for her" Alex said taking a sip of his soda.

I came to his house to hang out with him and i ended up telling him about me and Callie.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

He cleared his throat and sat up straight "Look if you don't have feelings for her you wouldn't be here worrying about the kiss that you both had and about how she felt. You wouldn't be thinking about her every minute in every damn day, and i saw the way you look at her".

Who knows that Alex know lots when it comes to this thing.

"So what should i do?"

"You need to make your move and ask her out before it's too late. Many guys are going after her so you better hurry up" he said looking straight into my eyes.

Realization hit me and i stood up telling him i had to go.

I drove to Callie's house, as i got out of my car i walked towards their door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened revealing their helper, i think her name is Marie?

"Uhm Callie's friend am i right?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm Ruel" she stepped aside and let me inside the house.

"She's in her room" she informed me, i climbed the stairs.

I was in front of the door of her room, i leaned closer to the door to hear whimpers.

I twisted the door knob and entered her room and there she was, her head was buried on her pillow while she was groaning in pain.

I sat down beside her and she immediately lifted her head from her pillow.

"Oh my- Ruel what are you doing here?" She had a shocked expression on her face.

"Are you ok?" I asked, ignoring her question. She sat up straight on her bed.

"Uh yeah, just cramps" she said softly as if she was embarrassed and that's when it hit me that she was on her lady thing.

So that's why she was groaning earlier. I was thinking of how i can alleviate her pain, like cheering her up or something.

"Hey I'm gonna get something I'll be back before you know it" i kissed her forehead before exiting her room.

I entered my car and drove to the store, as i got to the store i went to get tons of chocolates, chips, and candies i also bought a teddy bear that i thought was cute. When you have two sisters you learn a thing or two.

After buying everything i went back to her house.

I knocked on her door gently before poking my head in her room.

"I got something for you" i entered the room with all of the things behind me.

As i got to her bed i put all the stuff on it.

She gasped "Oh Ruel you really didn't have to buy these" she pouted her bottom lip "Now i feel bad".

I sat down beside her " Why?" she looked at me "Because you spent money on me, you didn't have to buy all these".

"I know, but i wanted to" i smiled as i tucked her hair behind her ear.

I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me tight "Thank you so much Ruel, no one has ever done this to me before" she placed a kiss on my cheek.

This girl is doing things to me and i like it, i can't but feel happy when she did that.

She laid on her bed tugging my arm along with her, laying beside her, her head on my chest and her hand was resting on my abdomen.
I took the remote and chose the movie which was White Chicks.

"This is one of the movies that i love" she said against my chest.


Callie's pov:

The movie was finished, Ruel cleared his throat getting my attention.

"Callie i have to tell you something" he said with a nervous look on his face.

It made me nervous too "What is it?" I asked.

"I-" he was cut off when my door opened and Caleb poked his head in.

"Oh hey Ruel" he said totally not expecting him to be here.

"By the way dinner is ready twinnie, hope you guys kept it pg" he joked.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him which he unfortunately dodged, and then he left.

I remembered Ruel was about to tell me something before my idiot of a twin decided to interrupt "Hey what were you gonna tell me?"

"Oh it was nothing important, I'll just tell you another time" he said.

I was about to speak but he spoke first "I need to go home now, my mom is probably looking for me" he pulled away from me and stood up, i got out of bed and hugged him, he didn't hug back for a few seconds then he finally wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you again Ruel" i hugged him closer to me.

He pulled away from our hug and kissed my cheek "I'll see you tomorrow at school, hope you'll feel better" he gave me a small smile and then left.

New Guy; Ruel Van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now