chapter 9

411 19 6

Callie's pov:

We all looked surprised when Noah stepped inside the room, questions started to pop in my head like how the hell did he know our house? How did he get here? Did someone invite him?

I can't help but notice the look on Ruel's face, he looked like he's mad? Or annoyed seeing Noah? But why?

"What are you doing here man? Have a seat" Dylan asked, Noah started walking to the seat next to me, there were plenty other seats why the fuck did he sit next to me.

"Hope I'm not intruding anything you guys" he said, i heard Ruel scoff then mumbled something beside me.

"Don't worry Noah you're fine" Alex said.

We heard the doorbell rang again.

"Don't tell me someone else came here unannounced" Ava joked, everyone else chuckled.

"It must be the pizza this time, sis can you get it?" Caleb asked me, i nodded standing up from my seat.

"I'll help you" Ruel and Noah said at the same time getting out of their seats, they looked at eachother weirdly.

"Why don't you stay here Ruel and Noah will help her" Alex suggested.

"Oh ok" a sad expression was placed on his face, and me and Noah went downstairs to get the pizza.


Ruel's pov:

The moment the door closed questions started to come out of everybody's mouths.

"How does he know that we were here?" Caleb asked.

"Or maybe he came here to see Callie i mean the boy has been following her around" Avery gasped widening her eyes.

"Wait! I get it now, remember when i told you Ava and Ruel that he wanted to hang out with Callie after school? Well he told me that, and i said that Callie can't go with him because she invited us over here" Dylan explained "But i don't know how he knew your address Caleb" he added.

"You idiot now he came here trying to get Callie making Ruel all jealous" Alex blurted, everybody looked at me with confusion.

"Why would he be j-, oh! You like Callie?" Ava exclaimed.

"Could you be any louder? Please don't tell her i don't want her to feel awkward around me, don't say anything to her please" i practically begged them.

"I knew it" Caleb said with a loud voice.

"Knew what?" Callie said entering the room, this time with a pizza followed by Noah.

I widened my eyes at him silently begging him to not tell her anything that was said when they weren't here.

"Uhmm" he hummed, his eyes roaming around the room thinking of what he was gonna say. "That! Alex had feelings for Avery since 7th grade" Ava said saving Caleb's ass.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, that's true"

"Aww that's so cute Al" Callie said in awe. "Anyway, here's the pizza" she put the pizza down and everyone got themselves a slice.

"You want some more pizza?" I asked seeing that she was finished with her first, "Yeah of course" she replied.

I was about to get her another pizza when Noah gave her one then he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him, his presence annoy the fuck out of me.

"Ruel can you help get something?" Caleb asked snapping me our of my thoughts.

"Yeah sure" we got out of the room and we made way to his room.

"What did you need?" I asked.

He turned to look at me dead in the eyes "I need to talk to you, about Callie".

I swallowed the lump on my throat feeling myself nervous, also excited from hearing her name.

"What about her?"

"If you hurt her I'll hunt you down ok?" He warned me.

I furrowed my eyebrows "Why are you talking as if me and Callie are dating? I mean she might date Noah for all we know".

"Ruel you dumbass i don't want Noah for her, i mean the guy has good grades and shit but i heard from one of his ex that he treats his girl like shit" he said "I don't want him dating my sister and have my twin's heart broken. Look I'll help you to get with her".

I gave him a surprised look " Look Caleb i really appreciate you wanting to help me but what if she doesn't like me like that? Then all our efforts will just go to waste" i looked down sadly imagining Callie rejecting me.

"Don't think about the what if's man, just do you, if she rejects you it's alright life must go on, at least you tried right? You made an effort and what makes you think that she doesn't like you back? Not that i want to get your hopes up but she's my twin, i know she'll like a guy like you" he patted my shoulder whilst saying these genuinely.

He stood up "Now let's go before everyone gets suspicious" we went back to everyone else, i saw Callie lightly laugh at what Noah said to her, Caleb nudged my elbow nodding his head silently saying 'i got your back' then he started walking to Callie and Noah sitting in between them making Noah scoot away from her with no choice.

"So what are we talking about here?" He asked his sister looking at them back and forth.

"Noah just said that he had a stuffed animal that he can't go anywhere without it, he named it Loli" she chuckled.

"Loli? That's a weird name" Caleb said.

The rest of the night was filled with Caleb secretly trying to push Noah away from Callie.

I sat down beside her and she layed her head on my shoulder claiming that she was sleepy.

She checked her phone and it was 1 in the morning everybody said their going to sleep.

"Wait how are you gonna go home?" Callie suddenly asked "It's late you should stay" i mentally groaned at her for being too kind.

"Thank you so much Callie" he smiled widely at her.

We all got pillows and blankets laid on the floor, they also got us mattresses with the help of some of the helpers.

We all layed down, i layed down beside Callie way before Noah could, and Caleb layed at the other side of her, i smirked feeling like i won.

"Goodnight Cal" i said pressing a short kiss on her forehead as she snuggled up against me "Goodnight Ruel" she closed her eyes, her breathing was even which means she was asleep, i slept with Callie by my side oh God my heart feels like it's gonna explode.


Omg 800+ reads!! Thank you so much!❤️ also triple update as a sign of appreciation ❤️

New Guy; Ruel Van DijkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora