chapter 8

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Callie's pov:

After arriving in school i went to my friends and we all went to our lockers, our lockers are close by each other, on our way there i saw Noah Thompson, one of the hot guys in school, a real charmer and smart, he was standing in front of my locker as if he was waiting for someone.

"OMG! What is Noah doing standing by at your locker?" Ava said excitedly, followed by the squeal of Avery.

"I don't know guys, i don't know" i said whispering to myself towards the end.

I walked over to my locker "Hey Callie" Noah smiled at me, i must have had a confused expression on my face, "Oh I'm here to walk you to class if that's alright with you".

I saw that my friends were looking at the both of us hearing every word that comes out of his mouth. I'm just as confused as they are, also surprised, why? It's because we never really acknowledged each other before, sure we talk to one another but it's only short, and now he wants to walk me to class? That's some confusing shit right there.


Ruel's pov:

I felt jealousy spread through my veins but i just hid the fact that i was jealous watching another guy that's pretty good looking talk to Callie maybe because i was scared that Callie might end up liking him. I heard him saying that he wants to walk Callie to her class? Why? She doesn't need anyone walking her to her class.

Alex came right over me placing a hand on my shoulder "Don't worry man, it's just nothing, it's not like he's asking her out right?" He's right i don't have anything to worry about, even if he was really asking her out i can't say anything about it, she isn't mine which saddens me.

I looked over at them and saw a faint blush across her cheeks when he said something to her, i just scoffed and walked past them not wanting to see him talking to her anymore.

"Hey you ok?" Avery asked softly.

"Yeah I'm fine" i replied looking away from her and looked straight.

"Are you s-" she was cut off when Alex put his arm on her shoulder "Of course he is babe" i forgot to tell you that Avery and Alex started dating, they make a great couple.

I saw Alex sending me a light nod and a small smile.

I sat down at my place, as class started my mind started drifting away, having thoughts about Noah and Callie, what if they started dating when i didn't even get to say how i feel about her?

Time passed by and before i know it, it was lunch period, i head to our table and sat down with Dylan and Ava.

"I heard that Noah is interested in Callie" Dylan started leaning forward the table.

"How'd you know?" Ava replied picking on her nails "I mean why does he suddenly like Callie?".

"I don't know" he shrugged his shoulders, "Heard that he wants to hang out with her later".

I felt my mood falter, this day just keeps getting better and better. Now I'm regretting not telling her my feeling yesterday.

" It's not like she can, she invited us to her house after school remember" after Ava said that i felt relieved, how could i forget her inviting us over at their house?

Their conversation is cut short when the rest of the group sat down.

"Hey Cal what's up with Noah, why's he following you?" Asked Avery putting Alex's arm around her kissing his cheek.

"I don't know what's up with him really. He would've sat with us if i didn't tell him to sit with his friends".

"Ruel you ok there? You've been silent since we got here" Dylan said.

I finally spoke "Oh yeah I'm fine, just a lot of things in my head".

Callie looked at me, her beautiful eyes filled with concern, i just shot her a smile kind of like telling her that I'm fine

"You guys want pizza for dinner?" Caleb asks everyone while carrying a bowl of chips setting it down on the table whilst Callie was in the kitchen getting us some drinks i decided to help her so stood up and head to the kitchen.

"Need some help?" She turns around and sees me and smiled "If you don't mind" she replied.

I went to get some ice for everyone then Callie poured soda in each cup, i put it in a tray and carried it back to the living room.

"So the pizza will be here in 10 mins" Caleb informed everyone.

"Guys! I've brought something with me" Dylan stood up looking through his bag for something and we all saw that it was a bottle of vodka.

"It isn't that fun without adding a bit of alcohol" he added sitting back to his place.

Callie smacked the back of his head "You dumbass Chase is here what if he saw".

"Yeah man if we knew you'd bring that we could've went in the guest house or the game room" Caleb said.

Everyone agreed on staying in the room where they chill, i don't know what it's called.

After transferring to that room Dylan opened the vodka and gave us some of it, the others mixed it with soda and the other ones just drank it without adding anything.

"God this is one of the rooms that i love, it's just so comfortable" Avery said looking comfy on the barca lounge, it's true it really was comfortable, it had a really soft and fluffy carpet, there are like 4 barca lounge in this room then there's a couch that's fucking soft, and a small snack machine in the corner of the room.

We heard the doorbell rang, Caleb stood up telling us that it must be the pizza guy.

"Hey" Callie said sitting close to me.

"Hi" i smiled lightly.

"Are you really ok? I don't want to be nosy or anything but you were really quiet the whole day, is there something wrong?" She said placing a hand on my shoulder looking into my eyes.

Yes there is something wrong, why? Maybe it's because i like you and this Noah guy starts following you and i got jealous.

I chuckled "I'm fine, i just didn't get enough sleep that's all".

Yes Ruel! Nice reason.

"Wait, was someone worried about me?" I teased.

She scoffed becoming all shy, she looked down "I was not! I was just concerned you know" her cheeks were blushing.

I breathed a laugh out of my nose right before i was about to tease her more the door opened revealing Caleb without the pizza.

"You guys, guess who came over?" Caleb said with an awkward tone, everybody was looking at each other confused.

He stepped aside letting someone in, someone unexpected, someone that i maybe didn't want to be here, someone that made me jealous to the bones.


New Guy; Ruel Van DijkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя