chapter 10

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Callie's pov:

The morning after we all went to school together, everyone had someone to ride with and Noah was asking me if he could drive me to school.

"I'll drive you to school if you want?" He asked me.

"That's nice but Ruel's gonna ride with me" i told him nicely giving him a smile.

"Ruel can drive himself to school, just ride with me Callie" i can't help but roll my eyes, it was a good thing that he didn't saw.

"Thanks for the offer but Ruel is still gonna ride with me, we have some sort of schedule of who's driving who to school you know".

"Then forget about that schedule and I'll drive you to school" he insisted.

This boy is just so persistent huh?

"I-" i was about to decline his offer again when Ruel appeared by my side "She said she doesn't want to, stop forcing her to ride with you, she's perfectly capable of driving herself, leave her alone man" he rolled his eyes shooting Noah a glare.

Noah sighed in defeat "Alright I'll see you at school Callie" he turned around entering his car and drove away from our house.

"Come on let's go to school before we get late" he said with an annoyed tone, what's his problem?

I looked at him after starting the car "Are you alright?" I asked him, "Yeah, just drive Callie" he bluntly says.

If i would've known that he would act like this i would have accepted Noah's offer, why's he acting like this all of a sudden?

"Ok" i replied quietly, driving to school.

We finally arrived at school, Ruel hasn't said a word to me he just went straight out of the car without saying anything. I saw Noah walking towards me, did he seriously wait for me? Well it seemed like it.

"Ready to go to class?" He asked me, i looked over at my friends and they were all looking at us, Ruel was just staring at us without any emotion shown onto his face.

"Uhm yeah sure" i tucked a hair behind my ear and started walking.

I was about to enter the classroom when Noah grabbed my arm gently, "I'll see you later Callie" he smiled leaning forward to place a kiss on my cheek.

As he walked away i saw Ruel and Caleb heading towards the classroom i was about to enter, and i swear i saw Ruel bumping his shoulder against Noah when he was passing by.

"Did he just kiss your cheek?" Caleb asked curiously with a slight disgusted look on his face "Weird motherfucker" he muttered.

"Yeah he did, i didn't even saw it coming" i said answering his question. I glanced at Ruel, his jaw was clenched the whole time, i decided to brush it off since he was in a bad mood since we left the house.


Ruel's pov:

I'll admit that i was so fucking jealous when i saw his lips on her cheek, this boy has been pissing me off a lot without even knowing. The whole period my mind was elsewhere, i wasn't listening to a word that the teacher says.

"Ruel can you repeat what i just said?" the teacher said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I just looked at him and remained quiet "Pay attention please or else I'll be forced to give you a detention" he warned.

I quickly apologized and tried to pay attention this time keeping my head low, my eyes roaming around the room until Callie caught my eye.

She's just so perfect, i don't want her to end up with Noah.

She looked at me and caught me staring flashing me her perfect smile causing my cheeks to flare, then she looked away now paying attention to the lesson.

When i thought about her dating Noah i just felt so sad, it hurts me to think that, i don't think I'll ever be able to move on from her if she gets into a relationship, she's just rare you know.

God this day isn't even halfway through and I'm already dreading it.


Alright lunch period one of my favorite part of the day.

Everyone sat down at their places eating their lunch, i guess i could say that I'm in a better mood than before.

Callie was seating across from me, i gave her a small smile when she glanced at me and she reciprocated it.

I looked down at my food and eat until i heard an annoying voice "Hey Callie, want to have lunch with me? I'll drive us wherever you want to eat" we all looked up and stopped eating, waiting for her answer, me silently praying that she'll say no, but today really isn't my lucky day.

"Uhm yeah sure" she hesitantly said standing from her place following Noah.

I scoffed loudly and rolled my eyes stabbing my food quite harshly grabbing their attention.

"Dude i know you're worried that something might happen-" i cut Dylan off "Can we just not talk about them? I'm not really in the mood right now" i hissed with an angry look on my face.

How can i not worry when the girl that i like so much is getting lunch alone with a guy that's been basically following her around?

"I know you said that you don't want to talk about them but i just want you to know that i know my sister won't do anything dumb right now" Caleb said.

"Yeah Ruel, no need to worry about him, you're greater than him everybody knows that, all that he is to Callie right now is a creepy fucking stalker" Avery stated making my mood a bit better now.

"Just go show him who's boss Ruel don't let him get your girl" Alex added, i awkwardly chuckled "She isn't my girl" i told them.

A smirk started to rise upon Caleb's face "Yet" he said.

I felt my cheeks blush red as everyone started to tease me some more, laughing at my flustered self.

They are my bestfriends even if they act like an idiot or a child sometimes, I'm so lucky that i met them.

New Guy; Ruel Van DijkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora