chapter 12

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Ruel's pov:

After a couple of days Noah was still following Callie around like a fucking dog. He's been trying to squeeze himself in our group, he was always attempting going with us. And today was one of those days.

"So Ruel, i could introduce you to my friend Mindy if you'd like she's a nice girl" he said trying to make a conversation with me.

I saw Callie's mood dropped down but she was quick to hide it.

Callie is with Noah, yes i know she doesn't like him but still she likes someone else and is trying to move on with dumbass over here. So i thought what was i gonna lose if i went to the date? I mean I'm certain that she doesn't like me.

"That's ok" i shrugged my shoulders.

"Really? Here's her number" he stretched his phone out to me, i quickly saved Mindy's number on my contacts and returned his phone.

Callie cleared her throat "I don't feel too well, I'm gonna head home now" she stood up from her chair and i followed her.

"I'll go home with you" i told her, she looked down not meeting my eyes "S-sure".

After saying goodbye to everyone we left the diner.

Five minutes later into the drive she decided to speak.

"So are you gonna text her?" she asked referring to Mindy.

"Eh maybe later"

"Oh ok" she replied bluntly.

Arriving at her house she instantly went out of the car without any word. I followed behind her so i could thank her for driving me home but as soon as she stepped inside the house she shut the door on my face, i was confused to why was she acting like this, maybe she shut it by accident because she doesn't feel well.

I chose to believe that, as i went home i went to the kitchen seeing my mother cooking for dinner, i hugged her from behind resting my cheek on her back.

"Ruel? Are you ok honey?" She asked turning around, cupping my cheeks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just not a great day for me".

She hummed "Why don't you tell me all about it after dinner huh? Now go get your sisters and tell them dinner's ready" she smiled sweetly pressing a soft kiss on my cheek.

I went upstairs knocking at Coco's door, i popped my head at the door "Mom said to come downstairs, dinner's ready".

"Ok I'll be down in a sec".

After calling my other sister Sylvie i went downstairs and sat at my place. Everyone was on the dinner table apart from my father, he's working late today, the moment i finished eating my food i excused myself.

" I'll be going to my room now, thank you mom for dinner it was delicious" i kissed her hair and head to my room.

I crashed my body onto my bed looking up at the ceiling thinking.

Will i move on when i go on a date with that girl? Will i like her more than Callie? Should i text her?

I reached for my phone in my pocket, i unlocked it and went to messages tapping Mindy's contact.

Hey it's Ruel, your friend Noah gave me your number, and i just wanted to ask if you want to go on a date tommorow?

I sent the message not expecting a reply for a couple minutes. My door opened revealing my mom.

She sat on my bed gesturing me to come closer to her "Now what's the matter?" she asked concerned.

I let out a deep sigh not knowing where to start "Is it girl trouble?"

New Guy; Ruel Van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now