Chapter One

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Harry's P.O.V

The sound of construction, mad drivers and small conversations by pedestrians outside flowed their way inside my home effortlessly as I tried to cope with my nasty hangover. It was my fault really, I had completed all my finals and decide that the best way to treat myself was to go out with some friends and get some drinks. Of course I got carried away by drinking down all the stress and feeling relived that I was finally going to have my well deserved break; a break which I could enjoy myself and not stress out over much. The tickets to my next flight were neatly placed on the small red wooden nightstand along with my phone, a reminder that I had to start packing my necessities and get home on time for the holidays. My family was unaware that I would be coming home for the break. I haven't visited in over two years but I still tried to keep in contact with the one's I love the most, I would call my parents every once in a while just to let them know that I've been well and still drowning in debt. But for right now all I could think about was myself. It feels amazing  not to have any obligations to attend to on a morning like this. I laid my fragile body on my comfortable duvet, that I had purchased at a second hand store the first year I had moved out here into the big city. I continued to stare at the ceiling, reminiscing on the events that had taken place in these past two years. I remember struggling to find a good roommate after I was accepted at NYU. My parents offered to pay for my housing multiple times but I refused to let them because I wanted to do this myself. I wanted to suffer and feel what it's like to try and make it on my own. I settled down after a while and became more familiar with the city. My job at a small car shop wasn't ideal but I loved the people I work with. It is a family owned shop, so you can only imagine how close and humble everyone is. I got up from my bed and started packing the clothes which I would need for my trip. Every article of clothing is good condition considering I bought many of them at second hand stores. I came to love thrift stores, every piece of clothing is unique in its own sense, and you can make an outfit knowing that someone may not have the same shirt or sweater as you at a reasonable price. As I placed one of my red flannels in my suitcase I noticed a wrinkled white lined piece of paper slip out of one of the pockets the flannel shirt had. 

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