Chapter Ten

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Harry's P.O.V

We spoke for hours. Her love for literature would annoy any other asshole but not me. I love the way she spoke about her favorite books. The way she quoted them and even philosophers made me admire her more than I already had. Her eyes would spark every time I completed her sentence. I slowly opened up more as did she. It felt right. It was comfortable and although she didn't fully understand how I was feeling, her effort to understand was enough for me. 

"So all those poems about her, how do you feel about them?"  Her question comes out of nowhere. The was very out of topic but I knew she was only trying to understand how I feel about the woman I once thought I loved.

"She's gone. Dead to the writer that I am. She will forever live within me but I don't think I will ever write about her again. All inspiration is gone." I smile at her. She's my new inspiration. To write about her is difficult, the words I will have to use don't come close to describing her. 

"The death of a beautiful woman, is questionably the most poetic topic in the world." She quotes.

"Well Poe. How about we save you from your  sorrow and head out for a nice walk."  She begins to laugh as she takes my offer. I stand before she does and hold my hand up to aid her. She gently places her hand on mine and soon comes to wrap her arm around mine as we exit the comfort of the coffee shop.

We walked around the streets for at least an hour. As it was getting darker and colder we decided to ride the trolley. Not many people occupied it. We sat close to the driver as we started a conversation with her. The lovely girl I had just come to meet, jokes around with all of us. She seems to bring joy to all those who surround her and she doesn't care of acting the way she does which is something I only wish to be able to do. Someday.

It was getting late and we decided to part our own ways. She wouldn't let me walk her home, she said she needed time to herself and that a nice walk would let her think. Trying not to push her out of her comfort zone, I let her do just that. 

"Well Poe, I-"

"Leila. My names is Leila." She interrupted as she quickly gives the pavement all her attention and smiles.

"Well Leila,I hope you had a great time with my dreadful presence."


"Harry. My name's Harry." I interrupted. I would allow her to call me Beetlejuice but I wanted to hear my name fall out of her lips.

"Harry." She smiled. God was I fucking selfish. I wanted to hear her say it again. "Well Harry. I had an amazing day with you. I hope to see you sometime soon ya?" 

"Of course." I respond as she slowly walks away from me. 

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