Chapter Sixteen

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Leila's P.O.V

The emptiness of my bed woke me up. The room was dark and the only source of light came from the street light placed on the side walks. It was hard to see but the longer you looked around the more your eyes came to adjust to the darkness.

He stood by my window. The blinds wide open as his eyes stared intensely at the world. His toned back faced me, he was so close yet so far. I stood up from my comfortable position and made my way towards him. As I stood behind him he didn't make an effort to face me so I placed various small kisses on his back and place my arms around his waist hugging him for my dear life. The digital clock with red big fonts informed me that it was three in the morning.

"What are you thinking about?" It drove me insane not knowing what was running through his mind.

He didn't respond and silence overtook the room, once again. The way his chest rose and fell was comforting. I laid my head against his back. It calmed me a bit, although he wasn't with me mentally, he was with me physically.

"I don't know if I can leave you." His raspy voice makes it difficult for me to distinguish if he's upset or angry.

"Especially after what we just did, I don't know if I will be able to go back and just move on without thinking about you."

"I've never been this happy before, fuck I don't even think I have ever met someone who has made me feel this way. I always see my friends and they all seem happy with their partners. I never really understood it and it's like a strange feeling to have someone hold so much power over you. It's terrifying." He continues

"And now that I've found nirvana, I have to hop on to that plane and leave you behind."

I stay silent like the idiot that I am. I don't know how to respond. This relationship or whatever it is wouldn't work with the kind of schedule he has back in New York. It's not that we wouldn't commit. It's the fact that I want him to at least try to find happiness with someone other than me. He thinks of me as distinct and the only person who can make him feel this way when I know very well that someone else can give him more than I have to offer.

"Harry, I don't know what to say. I don't want you to feel obligated to stay with me just because of what just happened."

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