Chapter Seventeen

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Harry's P.O.V.

After all of this she thinks that I feel obligated to stay with her. Why would that even cross her mind? I don't think I can go on back knowing that there is someone like her living across the country. Someone that I have come to know so well and given myself to. At the same time I don't believe I'm brave enough to leave it all and take my chance on something that may not even work.I turn around and face her. The small crease that forms between her eyebrows worry me. I place a small kiss to the crease in hopes that it would disappear. 

She looks up at me and kisses me softly. We both let the kiss linger for a while. I'm going to fucking miss this. I have to head to the airport in four hours but I think I'll stay until she falls asleep again. I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with her. It's selfish of me really. I guide her back to bed as we both lay down and let the duvet engulf us. 

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