Chapter Eleven

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Harry's P.O.V

After that night I began to write poems about her. She kept insisting that I call her Poe. Like the Edgar Allen Poe, who I soon came to learn she loved profoundly. But I couldn't. Her name was just as beautiful as she was and it deserved to be heard. We kept meeting up at the coffee shop. Funny thing is we never ran out of things to speak about. We joked and wen't in deep about our life experience's. I even walked her home one evening. Her roommate Neil, was very nice but living with him would drive me insane. He dressed like those fucking hipsters, black framed glasses and all. I fucking hated it, but it surprisingly suited him well so I didn't tease him about it. I spent New Years with  my family of course and even invited her to spend it with us, but she was unable to considering she had to spend it with her family as well. 

My little holiday was coming to an end. I had to fly out to New York and start my last semester. I don't know how I will be able to do so because my feelings for this strange creature have grown. The night I walked her home was the day she completely revealed her past experiences with her boyfriend. The asshole was obviously unaware of what he was losing. Her eyes became red from the tears that unwillingly flowed down her beautiful face. We laughed about it the next morning after she sent me a picture of her swollen eyes. It pained me a little to see that her past still had a negative effect on her. She could tell what I was thinking about, my laugh was unable to cover how I truly felt when she let  sadness overcome her. 

slowly walked along the sidewalk ready to enter the coffee shop for the last time. Every step I took felt like I was losing a piece of an important puzzle. It was really the person that awaited me at the coffee shop that I was losing. The beautiful girl I have come to love in a matter of days. That's what I fucking hate most about myself. I come to love things too quickly. I come to love the small aspects about things or people that would drive others insane and try to convince myself that they will most likely be found again in a different time or setting. 

I slowly opened the door as the bells placed above rung for me, for the last time. I scanned the room and noticed a couple sitting in the corner where she and I usually sit. They seem to be enjoying  themselves. laughing at each other. The small genuine smile the young girl gives him makes him reach his hand out and smooth the small creases that form on the corner of her eyes. I turn around once again seeking for the majestic girl that I encountered at this very small shop. My eye's land on a tan trench coat and jet black hair. She sits on a small bar stool that faces the window, her back to me. Her head hangs low, as if she's writing. Although I love this view, I can't help but continue to walk towards her with ease. I don't want to startle her but when I do she jumps and says "Harry!" Her smile soon appears as she brings he hand up to pat her well structured cheeks. 

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