Chapter Nine

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Harry's P.O.V

She didn't say anything. I didn't expect her to but it was nice having an actual open conversation with the strange girl. She laid her hand on mine and began to trace my small cross tattoo. It didn't surprise me how blunt yet gentle she was. I somehow knew that she would be like this. Bold and confident, but yet she hides something and I'm willing to find out what exactly it is. Her touch ignited something within me.

I wanted to know more about her. What she has experienced. What she does on a daily basis and if she aspires to be anything.

"Well Beetlejuice, love is just strange. How do we know what love feels like? What if love is just a conspiracy like time?"

"What? Time is not a conspiracy." I respond as she raises both eyebrows.

"Okay yeah, time maybe a conspiracy but love makes you feel happy, it has this force one is unable to explain until it's actually felt." 

She begins to laugh as she lifts my hand with her's and carefully examines it. She begins to place her hand against mine, as if to see who has bigger hands, me being the one of course, her small gentle one's just don't compare to my monstrous one's.

"If love makes you happy why wont you answer her?" She speaks softly, almost in a whisper as if what she was saying must be a secret. 

I didn't want to respond to this question, because I myself didn't even know. I might envy her for finding love with someone who is not me. The fact is that I loved her. Loved. That feeling is no longer there. Not even after I encountered her on campus. The feeling was gone, nothing, it felt like nothing. The weird adrenaline I felt in my stomach and the warmth my cheeks would soon feel was all gone. 

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