Chapter Three

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Harry's P.O.V

My grandmother stood before me. Her white curly hair was the same from what I remembered. She studied my face and tilted her head to the side, as she finally smiled and brought her hand up to cover her mouth. She was in tears and embraced me harshly. She smelled like home; a soft tint of vanilla mixed with cinnamon. I missed this, the comfort of those I love. As if her hug would cure every hardship I have endured in the past two years. It all seem to fade, everything was okay again. 

"I can't believe your here my love." She whispered into my ear as I slowly detached myself from her.

Soon my mother and father appeared. Only there reaction were different. They smiled wildly and both embraced me into a tight family hug. Suffocating almost but never the less a hug I was in need of. My father carried my luggage inside as my mother and grandmother hooked their arms on opposite sides and lead me into the living room. It was the same as I had remembered. The red couches and white wooden floors mixed perfectly. My late grandfather's white wooden rocking chair was placed by the fire place as a small red pillow laid on the seat. I remember running around the living room with a few of my older cousins as I tried to chase them. They wouldn't let me play with them, they were teenagers and I being the only child always envied them for having a sibling; someone who they can rely on in case of an emergency, comfort even. I on the other hand only had my parent's. The thought of them leaving me alone in this cold world worried me as a child, now even more than ever. 

I recall blaming my  mother for not being able to have children. As a kid I couldn't understand why she was unable to give me a sister or a brother. But as I got older I understood why; she was unable to give me what I always wished for. 

"I can't believe your home, We've missed you so much son." My father spoke rapidly as he examined me and hugged me once again. I couldn't help but giggle once again at the site of my family. 

"I missed you so much, gosh I can't believe it's been two years! How's New York? Are you still seeing that beautiful girl?" I was being bombarded with questions from my mother as I took my seat on the comfortable white rocking chair. She placed a small quick kiss to my forehead as I smiled up at her. Her brown eyes were soon swallowed up by the beautiful tears that formed all to quickly. Happy tears I assumed but I still hated to see her like this. I hate being the cause of her tears; happy or not.

"Missed you too and no mother she was just a friend." I say softly as everyone settles down in the living room.

We spoke for so long, mostly about what I had been doing in New York. My parents reminding me of how proud they were and my grandmother leaning in to listen to me better. It wasn't until the clock struck two that we decided to head to bed. 

I slowly opened the red wooden door that lead to the familiar cozy room both my grandparent's had arranged since the day they found out they were going to be grandparents. Large bunk beds were placed in the corner of the room and a new bed was placed in the center. The toys I once shared with my cousins were neatly placed in the closet. They haven't been played with and had collected dust. I quickly took off my clothes and slept in just my brief's. Jet lag was the only negative thing about traveling. My eyes felt heavy as I relaxed my tiered body onto the mattress and closed my eyes and let sleep take over my weak body.

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