Chapter Six

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Harry's P.O.V

I had made my decision to come to the coffee place once again. Christmas was like any other, this one was just  had more joy because I was surrounded by those who love me. Last Christmas my roommate went home for the break and I  was left to mope around with my lonesome heart. I could only blame myself for it was my decision to not go back home for the holidays. 

I had been going through my old collection of poems when the sounds of bells soon interrupted me. I looked up in hopes that it might of been her but to my disappointment it was just a man with his little girl. The other figure I had assume was his wife.

"Thank you." It was her.

The soft tone of her voice immediately captured my attention. The long brown coat she wore made her jet black hair stand out. I tired to avoid staring at her like a creep but it was hard not to do so. I admired the view. It hurt almost even; like someone staring at the sun for too long, sure to leave some permanent damage to the vision. 

I decided to do what was best and write down every small detail about her in my notebook. From the dark beautiful color of her skin to the small damaged ends she had. The clothing article she obtained and her small gestures and the way her lips moved when she spoke. 

"Hi Beetlejuice." I was suddenly interrupted by the only person I had been observing like a fucking creep. 

She was now standing by my table, smiling at me while she held he white Styrofoam cup. God she was celestial. 

"Beetlejuice?" I questioned.

Her eyebrows rose as I looked down at my appearance. Of course, black and white striped coat. I looked down at my works and chuckled lightly at her sense of humor.

"Hi. Would you like to sit?" I was completely out of my comfort zone but my grandmother's voice crept their way into my mind, reminding me that It's an opportunity that I should take.

"And talk to a stranger? Of course!" She beamed as she took her seat in front of me. 

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