"I love you."

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Todoroki's POV

Izuku and I left the couch and headed towards the kitchen, sitting on the stools when Katsuki told us to and watching him as he pulled multiple stuff from the wooden cupboards. Kirishima entered the kitchen to try to help his best friend, but Katsuki immediately pushed him out, mumbling something about him setting the stove on fire again, and forced him to sit on the stool next to Izuku.

The redhead pouted, but stayed put, knowing that if he were to enter the kitchen he might possibly start an argument with Katsuki that won't only result in the kitchen being on fire, but the three of them not being fed breakfast.

We all watched as Katsuki danced around the kitchen, throwing multiple ingredients into a pot and putting rice grains in the rice cooker with some water. He opened the fridge and took out some raw meat, which I assumed was beef, and started slicing through it with a knife, cutting it into perfect small squares.

I looked over to Izuku, wanting to start a conversation with the smaller teen, but he was staring unblinkingly at Katsuki, watching as cut the vegetables like a professional, but I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

I leaned over and put my hand onto Izuku's, giving it an encouraging squeeze, hoping to draw his undying attention away from the blonde.

"Izuku?" I breathed, and the greenette seemed to snap out of his trance instantly, turning around to look at me with concerned green eyes. "Are you okay?"

The forest haired boy smiled up at me, trying to reassure me that everything was, indeed, fine.

"I'm okay, Shouto," he hummed, leaning up and kissing my forehead. "I just got lost in my thoughts for a second."

I frowned, turning to the side of the stool so I was facing him completely. "Were they good thoughts?" I asked, and the greenette's charming smile broke slightly. "Or were they bad thoughts?"

Izuku stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes seeming to see right through me as if I was transparent. His smile fell, and he was staring at my chest, back in his trance and his mouth parted slightly.

"Izuku?" Again, I got his attention, but this time without the smile. "Are you having bad thoughts again?"

The greenette looked down, squeezing my hands tightly and nodding. When he looked up again, there were small tears in his eyes, but he did not cry.

"Yes, Shouto," he murmured, falling forward and pressing his face to my chest. I instantly wrapped my arms around him, my fingers slipping into his hair. "The thoughts are back, but it's nothing I can't handle."

Before I could object, something was slammed harshly in front of Izuku and I, followed by Kirishima, and I looked up to see Katsuki was done cooking. He looked at us impatiently, drumming his fingers on the marble counter as he bit his bottom lip.

"Well?" he exclaimed, still seeming frustrated. "Are you guys gonna eat or what?"

We all shook ourselves out of our trance and nodded, thanking the blonde for the food before digging in.

Once we finished, Katsuki and Kirishima went to the common room and sat on the couch, talking quietly to one another as Izuku volunteered to clean up. I tried helping him out, collecting the dirty dishes and placing them in the sink, but he just gave me a giggle and said that he can to it all on his own. I still persisted to help him, but I stopped the moment I realised that I was probably just in his way.

He was currently washing a bowl with a soapy sponge, humming a playful tune as he did so. He swang his hips slightly, a smile on his lips as he swayed to the music in his head, and I couldn't help but join him.

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