Chapter 11

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Tom lay on the couch wrapped in his favorite blanket.
"Oh Tom its ok.." Dina patted his back. "You only knew the guy for a few weeks!"
Tom sniffled. "But...I really liked him!"
"But didn't you break up with him?"
"He...he wouldn't get what he needed if I stayed with him. I did it for him..."
"Oh Tommy," Dina sighed. "I'm so sorry you're hurting-"


Tom sat up and wiped his eyes.

Azal: I need to talk to you, meet me here:
*Address sent*

"Its...Its Azal," Tom sniffled.
"What did he say?" Dina asked.
"He wants to meet up with me," Tom said. "I should-"
"Its as if he's pulling you on a string! I wouldn't go."
"He's not like that," Tom said, standing up. "I need to see him!"

Tom rushed out the door.


Tom shivered as he walked through the alleyway. Why Azal wanted to meet here was beyond him, but he wanted to see Azal desperately.
To hold him, kiss him, to look into his eyes...

"Ah so you made it," said a voice.
"Azal is that you?" Tom said hopefully.
"Not quite," a figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Wh-Who are you?" Tom asked.
"I'm the one who's going to take you to you're father!" The man said
"H-How do you know my father's dead-Wait what!"

The man launched himself at Tom and Tom screamed before the man covered his mouth.

(Sorry for the short chapter ahaha)

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