Capitulo 6

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It was an evening like most of the others at the house in Toledo. We had spent all day pouring over tiny details of the plan and in the evening we got to relax to a certain extent. We were all sitting round the table, eating, drinking and smoking. I sat in between Denver and Rio with Berlin standing at the window behind me. 

'If it goes well,' said Tokyo, 'what are we going to do with all that money?'

'Look I'm getting a Maserati.' Denver responded immediately and I rolled my eyes at him, what a typical boy. 'A sky blue one. Oh and a martial arts studio.' I laughed at him and raised my bottle to chink with his in a cheers to his dream. I swigged from the bottle and began to feel the effect of the alcohol I had been drinking a lot of all night. 'And a three story night club.' He continued, 'With huge speakers that will make your ears bleed.' He then threw his arm over my shoulders making me sway to the beat of his imaginary music. 

'For you three million sounds like enough then.' I laughed along with the others, taking another sip of my drink as Denver got carried away with his fantasies.

'And for you, new lungs because you fucked yours up at the mines.' Denver said seriously to Moscow. I stopped laughing then, taken aback by the token of kindness from son to father. I always wondered what it must be like to have a dad like Moscow, yeah he'd fucked up his life but he sure as hell wanted to make sure Denver didn't make the same mistakes. I leaned my head on Denver's shoulder smiling happily, no one took any notice of the gesture as I was quite friendly with everyone in the group and most people were nearing the limits of soberness themselves. 

'What!' Denver defended, 'people sell kidneys, someone's bound to be selling some lungs.' I felt his shoulder shake as he chuckled at his own idea. He looked down at me, offering another bottle as I'd finished mine.

 I gladly took a swig as Berlin spoke up, 'Well I want a 250 acre vineyard to make my own wine.'

'But you can just go down to the grocery store and buy a bottle, why go through all the hassle?' I slurred slightly. 

He walked to stand behind me, 'For the art. And I think little Vienna here has had enough.' He plucked the bottle from my grasp and I pouted like a small child. Rio bopped me on the nose, making fun of my childish drunkenness. 

'Buzzkill.' I sang, much to everyone's amusement. 'Well I,' I started, getting up and standing on the table, teetering dangerously as I struggled to keep my balance, 'I want two islands.' 

'Why two?' Nairobi asked.

'One amazing one for me. And one shitty remote one to drop kick the family that abandoned me onto, see how they like it.' I replied triumphantly. 

'Well cheers to that.' Nairobi said as everyone raised their glasses and laughed. Berlin then held a stern hand out to me, helping me down from the table with an emotionless look on his face as I sat back down cheerfully to re-join the conversation, listening to everyone else's plans for their money. 

'Well even if you buy all these things,' said the Professor wisely, 'you'll still have lots of money left over. If we're going to steal big you have to dream big.'

Everyone was silent for a moment, taking in what he had said. 'Oh go on then fuck it, I'll get four islands.' I announced and the Professor laughed.

'Well I'll record a music album, 'Corridos'' declared Moscow, 'with this face on the cover.' he then wiggled his eyebrows making a brooding face like those on the cover of cheesy pop albums and we all laughed at him. 

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