Capitulo 21

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It's been a while! Thanks so much for all the reads!

'You're going to be okay, si?' I whispered, giving Moscow a tight smile as I clutched his hand in mine. There had been no time to even acknowledge Tokyo's arrival as Moscow needed our undivided attention. We'd cut open his jumpsuit and it was clear that his injuries were worse than we'd anticipated. There was no exit wound and, as Nairobi set up a morphine line for him, I started to wish I'd paid more attention in the Professor's medical lessons. 

Denver's eyes had glossed over, he'd ripped his shirt off to use to desperately try and slow the blood flow but the look he gave us all was heart breaking, he looked like a little boy, terrified of losing his papa. His blood was on all of our hands and I tried to reach for Denver as he stood up, running his hands through his hair and backing away from the scene to get some breathing space. I tilted my head to Rio in the direction he went off in and Rio nodded, going to comfort him. Of course I needed to be there for Denver, but if I made sure there was every chance Moscow survived, that was what would help Denver the most in the long term. 

Tokyo was obviously conflicted, I could tell she was feeling incredibly guilty but part of me did blame her. It was because of her that Moscow got shot. Three bullets to the stomach. She suddenly stormed off and I knew she'd be going to Berlin.

'I'll be right back.' I assured Moscow gently before running after her. 

'You have to call Inspector Murillo!' I heard Tokyo yelling. 

'That's not part of the plan!' Berlin retaliated.

'What plan? You know what my plan was? To kill you, but now Moscow is the one dying so don't tell me what's not part of the fucking plan!' I  watched as Tokyo got in Berlin's face, teeth gritted in pure hatred. 

'Moscow is dying because of you.' I stated from the doorway and their two heads snapped towards me. A stray tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away furiously, 'Because of you, we might lose a member of our team and Denver might lose a father.' I continued, my voice getting progressively stronger. Tokyo's eyes brimmed with tears, I knew she felt bad, and I felt cruel for making her feel even worse, but I just felt so bitter and I needed someone to blame. 'So we need to make sure that that doesn't happen and you need to call the Inspector right now Berlin.' 

Berlin saw how hard I was taking the whole situation and closed his eyes in contemplation, letting out a deep breath. 

'Fine.' He muttered, dialling the phone. 

'Gracias.' I responded gratefully. I avoided eye contact with Tokyo. I knew I was being irrational, there was no way she could've known what was going to happen but I was frustrated with yet another thing going wrong due to Tokyo's selfish impulses.

Berlin demanded for a surgeon to be sent in and I studied his face as he listened to the response on the other end of the phone. 

'We're not turning one of our men in Colonel.' 

Berlin's anger as he then slammed the phone down confirmed that they weren't going to comply with our request. I hung my head in defeat and left the room, needing to get back to Moscow. 

Denver and Helsinki were with him and I put a hand on Denver's shoulder as I knelt beside him. He looked at me with worry as he briefly placed his hand over mine before taking his father's again. 

'How long do we have?' Moscow asked quietly. 

'Hours' Helsinki revealed solemnly, 'Eleven, twelve, thirteen. But without a surgeon, there's not much we can do.' 

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