Capitulo 11

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'Wives are meant for times like this Arturito.' Berlin drawled from beside me as we stood over Arturo on what he was making out to be his death bed. 'No one remembers their wives when they're out drinking but when they have a problem..' he smirked, 'things change.'

Berlin dropped the phone that we were going to use for Arturo to talk to his wife by Arturo's head. 'Or are you thinking of your secretary?' He chuckled lowly. I felt sickened by the two men in front of me, at least everyone knew about Berlin's opinions on women but Arturo was a man with an established job and a family and he was simply manipulating and using Monica. I felt sorry for the woman, who I knew was downstairs in the vault, worrying that her lover was beside himself with grief that she and his unborn child were dead. This asshole just cared more about his own life than anyone else's. 

'If you say something stupid I'll shoot you for your wife to hear.' Berlin threatened, digging the edge of his gun into Arturo's bullet wound, making him squirm and groan in pain. 

I zoned out of Arturo's conversation with his wife as he made meaningless promises for the future, swearing to change and become a better man. I scoffed quietly at him as I was aware of Denver coming to stand next to me.

'Sometimes I think back to the day I met you and I wonder what you saw in me Monica.' I almost choked on a sip of water I was drinking when I heard this and Berlin looked at me in glee, finding it hilarious that Arturo had just called his wife by his mistress' name. I rolled my eyes, seriously could Arturito find any more possible ways to screw his life up?

The majority of the rest of the day went exactly how we wanted it to. The surgeons came in to stitch up Arturo and they'd tried to infiltrate us with an undercover cop but, as always, the Professor was one step ahead. We implanted a microphone into the glasses of the cop and he left clueless to the fact that the Professor would now be able to hear everything that went on inside the police command tent. Our very own Trojan Horse. 

I'd also helped sneak Denver a couple of scalpels and other medical equipment from the surgeons for Monica and I'd hurried him back off to the vault with Moscow to see to her wound. That's two hostages who were definitely not dying today (one point to the hostage coordinator!) I'd only found out later that what could've put a slight kink in our plans was when Nairobi had discovered Monica alive in the vaults. But I knew the woman well, she was no threat to Monica's safety and she'd even helped to look after her, promising to keep our secret.

Now, we were all whooping with excitement, having turned on the only TV we'd left in the Mint.  Putting the news on, we saw that we were fucking everywhere. I felt famous, which was ridiculous as no one knew who we were. 

'Shit my parents' said Rio as a man and woman appeared on the screen. 

'He was always in his room,' his Dad started, 'we thought he was playing video games, not being a criminal. Then you see him on TV shooting a rifle and holding 60 people hostage like terrorists. It's like he's not our son anymore, it's as if our son is dead.'

I put a comforting hand on Rio's shoulder, seeing him start to tear up at his parents' statement. He gave me a watery smile but still shrugged me off, needing to be left alone. Tokyo unplugged the TV and our previous giddiness was extinguished as the reality of the situation set in. I had never before considered that my fellow gang members all had lives and families that cared about them, I felt awful for Rio practically being disowned by his dad on national television. I guess that's one pro to me not having any parents to disappoint.

The next day had been fairly uneventful so far. I was walking down the corridor when I saw Berlin slipping out of an office and I stuck my foot in the door before he could close it behind him. 

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