15. Becoming debilitated

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(RaeAnna's POV)

I have been suspended from school for 3 days now. My grandma was not happy about what I did, but became more understanding once I explained the situation. I told her that the kids at school pick on me all the time, which she did not know about. I just became undone. She listened and even though she said that I was very wrong for what I did, she hinted that she was glad that I finally stood up to them. There was some talk about pressing charges from Mary's parents, but knowing her history of being a bully they decided to drop it, this time.

I could only play with Dakota for maybe 30 minutes at a time, before feeling completely drained. I have been sleeping much more now, being suspended and all. I try to eat as much as I can, but it's like my stomach rejects the food. I barely have an appetite. I have been thinking about my next mission a lot, maybe that has something to do with it. I had a feeling they were still watching, waiting to make their next move. I sighed loudly, while laying in bed. When will it ever end? Will it end?

"RaeAnna!" My grandma shouts from the living room. "Come out, I want you to try and eat a little something."

Just the word eat had me feeling nauseated, but I'd give it a try for Gramma. "I made banana pancakes, your favorite." She says, while giving me her best radiant smile.

"Thanks Gramma." I smile at her. I take a bite, maybe I can eat. I take another bite, my stomach starts cramping so bad I can no longer sit up straight in my chair. I begin to tear up, while leaning over. "I..I'm sorry. I just can't eat. It hurts." The tears start flowing more freely. "Hmm. Maybe we should take you to the doctor to get you checked out."

"Y-yeah maybe. If it doesn't get any better within a few days, I will go."

"Are you sure sweet girl? You seem like you are hurting pretty bad." She asks me. "Yes Gramma, I'm just gonna go lay back down. I'm tired, i'll let you know if I start feeling any worse." I tell her, sadly. "Okay. I will take you to the doctor as soon as you want to go. Okay?" I smile at her slightly and make my way back to my room.

(Lincoln's POV)

RaeAnna's birthday would be coming up soon. I had the perfect gift for her, but I had to check in with her grandma first to make sure it was okay.

"Dad, can you take me to RaeAnna's house? I need to talk to her grandma about something."

"Talk to her grandma? About what?" He asks, with his eyebrows slightly elevated. "Please dad. It's important to me."

He sighs. "Okay let me get my keys and we will go." We pull up to her house, I hop out. "I won't be long. I'll be right back."

I start knocking on their front door, Rosie answers almost immediately. "Lincoln sweetie. What a surprise. I'm sorry, RaeAnna is asleep at the moment."

"I actually came to ask you something."

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