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"Mr.Lee, These are your new roommates. "

Lee Jaehyun and Lee Juyeon met when they were a mere six years old. They had been together through everything, fights, arguments, it was just them two. Jaehyun and Juyeon, Juyeon and Jaehyun. Jaehyun had some friends in classes but none that he was friends enough with to bring the into their friend group. Juyeon was fine with The Jaehyun's sitting at his lunch table but he didn't talk to them. He just stayed silent, laughed when he had to laugh, he reacted when he had too. But otherwise he didn't talk.

On the first day of school, year 11 for the duo, they weren't expecting to be assigned to taking care of the new foreign students. Usually people like Kim Younghoon or Lee Sangyeon, would be assigned to new kids, they were attending year 12 and freshman college classes, they new their way around.

The three boys that Juyeon and Jaehyun would have to dorm with and guide were in years 12, 11, and 9. The dorming system at Crecker Academy was weird, they had dorms but some still lived with their parents. That wasn't the case for Juyeon and Jaehyun, at first it was just Juyeon living by himself in their dorm room, Jaehyun only coming over for sleepovers, but then it got worse. Jaehyun came over more often, and he wasn't in the best of shape, so he finally just moved in. He and Jaehyun shared a bedroom, and sometimes, on days everything was too much, they would just cuddle together.

Thinking about it, maybe it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be to have roommates. The broken Korean could grow on the couldn't it? Jaehyun tried to think optimistically, he tried to point out the good that could come with the new students. Juyeon on the other hand only thought about the bad.

Jaehyun was in a class when Principal Jeon came to give him the new students, so Juyeon was who had to take the foreign boys back to the dorm. "Mr.Lee, These are your new roommates, Moon Hyungseo, Son Youngjae, and Bae Joonyoung." the Principal introduced leaving immediatley after.

"Hello, I'm Lee Juyeon, one of your roommates, the other one, Lee Jaehyun, is in class right now." He said a smirk on his face as he helped grab the boys bags and guide them to the dorm.

"Now, Hyungseo, Joonyoung, and Youngjae. You guys going by your English names or Korean ones?" He asked as he fumbled with the keys, trying to open the door. He could here one of the boys translating for the other two.

"English names." Joonyoung responded grabbing some of the bags out of Juyeon's hands as he angrily tried to open the door.

"Okay, What are your English names then?" He asked finally opening the door and taking off his shoes and coat.

"I'm Jacob, That's Kevin, and the other one is Eric." The eldest explained translating quickly in case the other boys didn't understand.

"Nice names. I hope you guys enjoy your stay, Jaehyun should be back in about five minutes, but I need to get to work." Juyeon said a smile almost appearing on his lips as he turned on the TV and left the house.

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