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"i-is he okay?"


Although Juyeon won, and he was proud about it. He felt terrible. Changmin wasn't lying with what he said. Sookyung was still disappointed with him, she always would be, dead or alive. He also knew he hurt Changmin pretty badly. The boy most certainly had concussion. Juyeon felt terrible.

The North American trio continued throughout their day with a nervous Jaehyun while Juyeon had to go to the Principal's office and stayed in his room the rest of the day. They were nervous but also more comfortable after seeing that this was pretty much no different than the public schools in North America.

Juyeon layed in bed all day after the fight. He felt terrible. He was almost certain everyone knew that he was Sookyung's sister now, and he did not want that. Not after the accusations his parents put against him.

Lee Sookyung TOP Student at Crecker Academy DEAD;

Top student Lee Sookyung from Crecker Academy reported dead today after being found unconscious and bloody in her private bathroom.

"Lee was on her Winter Vacation when her unnamed brother wanted revenge for her being better than him, and murdered her while she enjoyed her bath." Mr. Lee and Mrs.Lee reported. Lee's brother is in jail and under investigation.

Lee Sookyung's Brother Speaks Out 'It wasn't me, it was my other brother.' ;

At the trial for Lee Sookyung's murder, her accused brother spoke out about the murder. "It wasn't me, it was my hyung." the accused spoke, he was reffering to Lee Taeil.

Lee Sookyung's Brother Accusations Dropped; Lee Taeil proved as Murderer.

Lee Sookyung's Brother Past Criminal Record of Underage Drinking Revealed as Lee Taeil Gets Arrested for The Murder.

Lee Sookyung's Parents Arrested for Purposely Protecting Lee Taeil; Sookyung's Still Unnamed Brother to stay with an Orphanage

That's all Juyeon could think about. How they all know now. How everyone know about his Criminal Records. About his brother. And of course they all knew about Sookyung. So that is where Juyeon stayed, face down his bed, pillow being stained by memories as he thought about life.

When the four other roommates arrived home they instantly checked on Juyeon. They were all worried about him, especially because Jaehyun had informed them on the happenings of last winter.

Eric stayed in the living room, making Pop Tarts and Popcorn. He could hear the mumbled voices of his hyungs. He hoped Juyeon was okay, he for one new what it felt like to have a secret be revealed.

"I-i-is he okay?" Eric asked Kevin, he wanted the handsome boy to be okay.

"Not really but Jacob and Jaehyun got it covered." Kevin smiled grabbing some ramen from the cupboard.

"Okay, Do you think he'd like some Pop Tarts?" the younger asked his voice concerned, Kevin nodded.

Eric gently knocked on Juyeon's door, a plate of Pop Tarts in his hand. "What is it, Eric?" Jaehyun asked from his position on Juyeon's bed.

"I made hyung some P-Pop Tarts." He smiled sadly setting the plate on the bedside table.

"Thank You Eric." Juyeon said, his voice muffled by Jaehyuns shirt as Jacob ran a hand through his hair.

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