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"You're Safe."

"Hyunjoon, if you don't stop talking right now i will stab you." Chanhee hissed as he glared at the younger who was on his phone, talking with his new desk partner in Science, Eric.

"Why, hyung?" Hyunjoon whispered before going back to his conversation with Eric.

"Because Lee Juyeon just got back to school escorted by the police and we are supposed to be listening in for Sunwoo." the elder glared as he sat next to the door, watching through a crack in the door.

"Juyeon-ssi, we have to go through your criminal records before we let you go." Jinho explained as Mark took out a stack of files.

"We found out that you have a history of underage drinking and illegal drugs, we won't do anything about it right now but if you get in trouble again, you will be in a lot of trouble kid." Mark said giving Juyeon the enormous stack of papers.

"Thank you." Juyeon whispered with shaking hands, all the times a certain someone called the cops on him, someone he didn't know, they led to this.

"So what's the tea?" Sunwoo asked when he returned the next morning, Chanhee had started to dorm with Hyunjoon rather than in the cafeteria.

"Juyeon has a criminal record, a big one too by the looks of it too." Hyunjoon explained as he sat on the office chair, Chanhee was still asleep on the couch.

"Oh cool. Is Chanhee-hyung okay? He looks sick." the younger asked concerned as he set his stuff down and o'neal's down by Chanhee.

"He said he hadn't been feeling very good for a while now and not to worry about him when I asked him last night." Hyunjoon responded nonchalantly.

"That makes me worry more...." Sunwoo pouted as he went to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"Don't worry about him much Woo, He'll have our help if he asks for it." Hyunjoon comforted, the fact that Sunwoo was worried about Chanhee meant that he really cared about the elder.

"His bruises look so bad...." Sunwoo was sad.

"JUYEON!!" Jaehyun yelled as he ran into the others arms. Juyeon was safe.

"J-Ja-JAE YOU'RE SQUISHING ME." Juyeon commented as he held tightly onto his papers.

"You're safe" Jaehyun mumbled loosening his grip.

"Younghoon you will never believe what happened!!!" Changmin yelled as he sat down next to the boy, they had addressed everything that had happened the night before, it turns out Changmin didn't even like Younghoon so it was all fine.

"What?" Younghoon asked looking up from his book.

"The Mina girl Sangyeon-hyung slept with, She's pregnant." There was a scream or two followed by that sentence.

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