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"Sangyeon, I need to tell you something." 

"Eric, what do you mean?" Changmin asked, he may have grudges on people, he may get in fights, but he was not about to let a teenage boy be beat up because he doesn't have the right genitals. 

"I deserved it, hyung, why did you stop him even though i deserved it?" He questioned sadly. Kijung got to his head, he brought back what Eric felt like when he told his parents. He felt like he deserved to be beaten and abused. 

"Buddy, you don't deserve to be hurt, it's not something you have any power over. It's not your fault you were born in the wrong body." Changmin was no longer mad, rather he was upset, how could Eric think it was his fault. 

"C-Can I sta-stay with you tonight?" Eric looked down again, he felt terrible. 

"Of course buddy." 

Juyeon was met with words on his desk for his next period. He was used to seeing other people receive notes on their desks, or have words written on them. But he didn't remember any of them being like his. It was written in Korean (살인자), Japanese (殺人者), Chinese (兇手), Thai (ฆาตกร), and English (Murderer.) 

He was screwed. 

As Sangyeon snuck out that night, he wasn't expecting the girl from the part about a month ago to be his waiter. She was beautiful and the two actually ended up having protected sex that night. Sangyeon always made sure to have safe sex after Bomi happened, he loved her but he didn't exactly want another her, right now. 

"Oh, Sangyeon-oppa, It's nice to see you again." She was talking unusually quietly as she poured him some coffee. 

"It's nice to see you again too, Mina." He smiled, thanking her for the coffee. 

"Why are you here, oppa?" She asked sitting down across from him, the cafe was completely empty. 

"It's my birthday. I usually come here and order cake." He explained, he rarely told people it was his birthday. 

"Happy birthday, oppa. I'll pay for it tonight." Another waitress smiled as Mina went to the bathroom. 

"There's really no need Lisa-ssi." Sany=gyeon smiled. Lisa had been the only person to celebrate with him for three years now. 

"Oppa, you're 20 today. I'm paying." She insisted, going to get some chocolate cake while Mina came back from the bathroom. 

"Sangyeon, I need to tell you something." She spoke quickly and softly. 

"What's up Mina?" He asked as Lisa started walking over, cake in her hands. 

"I'm pregnant, oppa." With those words, Lisa dropped the cake, and Sangyeon's jaw might as well have dislocated. 

"Okay, Okay, We'll figure this out, Mina. I can't come have you live at the dorms it's not allowed but I can help pay for your apartment. I'll come to all the appointments okay. Everything will be fine. I've done this before and I'll do it better this time." Sangyeon rushed placing his hands over Mina's. 

"Sangyeon. I can't raise a baby. I don't want an abortion but I can't Sangyeon. I can't." Mina sputtered as Sangyeon rubbed her hands soothingly. Lisa rubbing her back. 

"Mina, It's okay if you can't take care of a baby. It's also okay if you want an abortion, although you said you don't. I can't pay all your rent but i'll help as much as I can. I'll help you through the pregnancy, and when the baby is born, unless you change your mind, I will take care of them, it will be okay Mina. I won't ask for child support, I won't take away your custody rights." Sangyeon explained calmly. He was going to do this right this time. 

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