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"I just need his number and his name."

"Ji Changmin? Why Ji Changmin?" Seunghyun asked opening another beer.

"I need to get revenge on someone." Taeil mumbled as he saw their over friend, Jiyong's car pull up.

"Who? Why not just kill them? Rather than the boy, I mean." Seunghyun asked waving Jiyong over.

"Because the person I need revenge on is his sister." Taeil said slamming down his bottle.

"Who's his sister?" Jiyong asked, he had already got some information from Taeil earlier.

"Ji Eunae."

"...Your old crush? " Jiyong asked confused. Why did Taeil need revenge on his high-school crush?

"Yes, She rejected me for Alex Lee. She needs to pay." Taeil seethed.

"Lee...Just go get someone to untie the fucking knot, you're going to hurt someone." Changmin whined as he felt the elder saw at the rope.

"I don't need anyone's help, Ji." Jaehyun growled grabbing on tightly to the youngers arm.

"Lee, stop trying and go get Young-" Changmin started before he felt the rope break and heard a small yelp come from Jaehyun.

"Thanks, Lee." Changmin smirked rubbing his red wrists, when he looked over to Jaheyun he saw that he was holding his wrist tightly.

"What happened?"

"It's fine, just a little scratch." Jaehyun said painfully, he had cut deep and long. He hadn't meant to but he was so angry, and in the heat of the moment he ended up pushing against his wrist instead of the already broken rope.

"Lee, there is blood leaking through the gaps in between your fingers, let me see." Changmin insisted leaning down in front of the elder and prying off his hands.

"You are bleeding badly but you didn't hit the vein so it will be okay. Can I take you back to my dorm? Younghoon is good at cleaning these." Changmin asked wrapping a cloth he found on top of the dryer around Jaehyun's wrist.

"I thought you would be the one who was good at cleaning these." He mumbled under his breath as his injury felt more glorious.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Changmin asked grabbing Jaehyun's hand.

"You have scars under ribs, I thought you must of been the one to clean them."

Chanhee parked the car in Walmart parking lot, they had decided they should get Bomi a carseat before anything else.

"Thank You, Again for letting us stay with you." Sangyeon said jumping uou of the car before getting Bomi out as well.

"Of course, hyung." Hyunjoon smiled as he grabbed Sunwoo's hand and started running towards the store.

"Hey, Chanhee?" Sangyeon asked as he carried Bomi behind with him.

"Yeah?" The 98' liner responded as he grabbed a basket.

"Do you know anything about Hyunjoon's family? He seems like he hasn't really had one."

"I don't know much about it but I know someone who does, although Hyunjoon wouldn't want me to give you his information." Chanhee explained scratching his dirty pink hair, he really needed a shower.

"I just need his number and his name."

"(xxx) xxx-xxxx" Chanhee said as Sangyeon wrote it on his wrist.

"What's his name?"

"Heo Chan, Hyunjoon's brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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