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"I'm not your hyung."

Kim Sunwoo was a very happy person. He liked to joke, he liked to be happy. He lived at home rather than at the dorm. Since his parents were worried about him getting someone pregnant. Sunwoo understood why, afterall he was a teenage pansexual boy. 

Hyunjoon stayed at the dorm, his parents were working in China currently so he stayed in the dorms. He found it nice living by himself. Of course he missed his love- his best friend. He pretty much survived off of Sunwoo. If it weren't for Sunwoo, Hyunjoon wasn't sure who he'd be, or what he'd be doing in life. 

Juyeon woke up in between Jaehyun and Jacob's warm bodies. He liked it, but he did need to pee, so he gently squirmed his way out of bed, Pop Tart crumbs falling from his shirt as he moved. He was gonna have to thank Eric for them. 

When Juyeon came back from peeing he wasn't sure what he was expecting but it wasn't a little Canadian twink in his spot. No it wasn't Jacob, rather it was the other Canadian twink who stole his spot. Juyeon laughed as he went out to the living room, he didn't see Eric and assumed he was still sleeping or had a class. 

He was proved wrong when he went into the kitchen and saw the boy shaking on the floor. Hurriedly looking through Kevin's Louis Vuitton bag. Juyeon grabbed two cups and filled them with orange juice before sticking his hand out to help Eric off the floor. "C'mon kid, Have some breakfast." He smiled as Eric slowly grabbed his hand and stood up. 

"T-th-thank you." he mumbled taking a sip of his orange juice. 

"Thank you, hyung." Juyeon corrected a smirk on his lips. Eric smirked back. 

"I'm not your hyung, Juyeon-ssi." He said making Juyeon jaw drop. 

"You little bi-" Juyeon was cut off by a knock at the door. 

"Hello?" He answered the door tiredly. Who the hell needed to talk to them at 6:00 a.m.?

"Lee Juyeon, Just who I was looking for." the person said. it took a little while for him to realise who was talking to him. 

"Kim Sunwoo?" He asked shocked, why would Kim Sunwoo have to talk to him. Of all people. 

"Yeah it's me, I need to talk to you about your noona. The Principal assigned me to interview you for the newspaper because he's a fucking bitch but if i don't do it ill get expelled so please let me ask you what happened to Lee Sookyung." 

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