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Changmin kept true to his words. He and Juyeon met in the field outside. Although Younghoon and Jaehyun objected strongly, they still met outside. They waited until the crowd was shouting before any real damage happened. 

Changmin attacked first. A strong move to, he aimed for the balls. Lucky for Juyeon, he knew how to block. The fight continued with just small blows here and there. Then, Juyeon attacked, He caught the boy in a headlock. Gasps of shock from the girls who had no chance but still loved him. 

As the fight continued, Changmin hit somewhere close to home, he didn't actually hit Juyeon. But what he said hurt worse than any punch or kick ever could. 

Chanhee watched in amusement as the two fought. He knew both Juyeon and Changmin well, he knew the stories, he was part of the Choi's after all. He knew that Changmin could break Juyeon without laying a single hand on him if he really wanted to. He also knew that Juyeon could do the same to Changmin. 

He knew how their minds work, Changmin would start with violence and end it with words. Meanwhile Juyeon would avoid using words as much as he could. Juyeon didn't want words, he didn't want to fight with a pen and a mouth, he wanted to fight with fists. 

Chanhee was amused to see Hyunjoon and Sunwoo filming the fight, both boys were excited yet worried. No one really knew what Juyeon was capable of but they knew that Changmin had never lost a fight, whether it was only words, only fists, or both. 

Even the Principal was watching, he was going to put them both in detention for sure, but he wanted to see the fight first. He was the only person other than Chanhee and Jaehyun who knew what Juyeon could do. 

Juyeon wasn't listening when Changmin started talking, trying to sike him out. He just kept hitting him. He only stopped when Changmin grabbed his arm and dug his nails in. Juyeon fought, he pushed Changmin away, he tried to block out the voices about to open his mind. 

His fight was strong, and Changmin was impressed. He was the first person he had fought with to injure him so badly that he bled. But he knew he would win once he had Sangyeon's girlfriend find information on Juyeon, more specifically, his sister. 

Lee Sookyung. She was the perfect daughter, she always shined and school, and more than anything, she hated her brother. 

Jaehyun was worried when he saw Changmin's lips moving, he barely heard the name leave his lips before he saw Juyeon stop hitting for a second. He knew what had happened. He wasn't expecting what happened next. 

"She's disappointed isn't she. Lee Sookyung. She hates you Juyeon. She never wanted you, even now that she's dead she'll never want you." Changmin spat. He thought he had won. He saw Juyeon freeze. He saw the way his hands shook and the way his eyes water. 

And then everyone stopped cheering for Changmin, They stopped thinking he won. They rushed over to him rather. 

Just as Kim Younghoon came up to stop the fight. Juyeon worked up all his anger and his strength. In one smooth move. He punched Changmin's head and stomach so hard he hit the ground, and passed out. 

While the Principal and all the little fangirls rushed over to Changmin. Kim Younghoon and his gang, as well as Jaehyun and their new roommates walked over to Juyeon. 

Jaehyun immediately started jumping up and down and yelling. "DUDE! YOU JUST BEAT HIM, YOU JUST BEAT JI CHANGMIN HOLY SHIT!" He yelled hugging Juyeon. 

Chanhee, Sunwoo, and Hyunjoon stood in shock as they saw Changmin on the floor passed out and Juyeon getting cheered on by his friends, even some of Changmin's friends too. Chanhee fought he knew a lot about the students. But he did not. 

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